Chapter Thirty-Five: Pink Casts

Start from the beginning

He nods, checking her chart. "We have her scheduled for discharge in a few hours. We want to make sure she's one hundred percent before we release her. By the way things are looking, she'll be home sooner rather than later."

Thanking him, we turn back to Mila who's beginning to wake up again. She smacks her dry lips together, saying, "Miwa dursty."

"Okay, pea. I'll get you a baba."

Apparently, that's not good enough for my greedy girl. She shakes her head slowly, grumbling. "Wan chur bewbie."

"You can't have my boobie just yet. Try your baba."

Mila begins to cry, causing a tingle in my breasts. My milk just dropped. My body is so attuned to Mila's needs that just hearing her cry makes my milk drop. It doesn't help that she hasn't been nursing since she's been in surgery.

"Okay, baby. Mama will see if I can hold you. Give me a few seconds." Standing, I lean over her hospital bed to press the nurses button.

Mila's nurse scurries into the room. "Does she need more pain medicine?"

I shake my head, asking if I can hold her.

"Sure, you're more than welcome to move her. Just be aware of her arm. I'm sure you husband can help move her."

"Thank you." I smile graciously, gently scooping Mila into my arms with Theo's help.

Once I'm settled with her in my lap, the nurse leaves. Meanwhile, Mila nuzzles her face into my tee shirt. She instantly relaxes once her whole body is pressed against mine. She doesn't even want to nurse anymore.

Sighing, I lift my shirt anyways. My breasts are horribly full and I need her to relieve the pressure.

"Do you want to drink something now, baby?" Theo asks, helping me unlatch my bra.

"Otay, Mama."


Kai and West are waiting for us as we walk through the door. I'm carrying Mila with her head on my shoulder, her casted arm dangling down by her hip. She's completely asleep and sucking contently on her pacifier.

It was the first thing she asked for when we got her all buckled up in her car seat. I was more than happy to give it to her. She deserves the paci after everything she's been through.

"How is she?" West inquires, stepping up to my side.

He brushes his fingers gently down her back as to not disturb her. Kai comes over to his boyfriends side, repeating the motion. Their big brother concern is adorable.

"Tired. The pain medicine is making her sleepy." Theo answers for me as he sets our hospital bags down in the foyer.

"Can I hold her? I really missed my baby sis. The house was too quiet without her here. She also has a package sitting for her on the table. It's from Italy." Kai comments flippantly as he walks into the living room.

I follow behind him, gently transferring Mila into his arms. She opens her eyes, her first smile of the day appearing on her face at the sight of her brother.

"Hai brobber..." She mumbles around the silicone nipple in her mouth.

He leans down, rubbing his nose against hers. They're adorable together. The moment gets even cuter when West sits down next to Kai, laying his hand on her tummy.

"I missed you, stinky." He jokes.

"Miwa nu stwinky." She states wearily. Even broken and high on pain medicine, Mila doesn't let West pick on her. I love it.

"Hey, babe? Come into the kitchen." Theo calls out.

Knowing that Mila's safe in her brother's arms, I follow the sound of Theo's voice to find him opening Mila's package.

"It's from Lucus and his mom." He shows me a hand written note from the boy himself.

It's written in blue crayon. I laugh, reading the short letter. He heard about Mila's accident through Kai and had to send her a get well present.

Inside is a stuffed purple dinosaur, a small blanket, and a little sippy cup that has her name on it. That's the sweetest thing. When Mila finally comes off of her pain medicine, she's going to love this.

"He's such a sweet boy. I can't wait until I can take Mila to meet him." I comment with my hand over my heart.

Theo grumbles. He doesn't like that his little girl has a little crush on Lucus. Mila has made it perfectly clear that Lucus is hers, much to my husband's displeasure.

"He better keep his tiny pint sized hands to himself. That's my baby." He crosses his arms over his chest, huffing.

"Calm down, puff the magic dragon." Patting his chest, I step back into the living room to check on Mila.

She's knocked out cold again. I have a feeling that's how she's going to be for the next couple of days. It's better that way. She won't mess with her cast if she's asleep.

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