Ep 8: Gorgom influencing Banh-Mi

Start from the beginning

Hiro: Weird...


The scene opens with Banh-Mi lullaby, ignoring the fact Noodles is the cutest. he hears the door open to see the unknown teenage boy.

Teenager Boy: Hello, cute one.

Banh-Mi: Hello~! I have never seen you before. My name is Banh-Mi, the cutest of them all!

Teenager Boy: I thought Noodles was the cutest?

Banh-Mi: Grr, It's always Noodles. Noodles this, Noodle that, I'm tired of it.

teenager Boy: Well if you hate your father so much, why not show you were better than him?

Banh-Mi: Huh?

Teenager Boy: Humans, Oishi, and those who like Noodles didn't care about ya, and the fact that he could have the potential to breed more in their spores, right?

Banh-Mi: Yeah... Yeah! Now that I think about it, we have the potential instead of gaining affection from Oishi Kawaii and those pesky humans!

Teenager Boy: Well maybe Kaijin shows affection.

Banh-Mi: Huh?

Teenager Boy: You see, Kaijins don't treat well back then, the Kaijin's were once humans before they become monsters in human eyes, But later on, they finally coexist, there are still bad humans out there that wanted to get rid of the indifferent to show they're better. You never wanted to be got rid of, letting Noodles all the attention & letting humans live, don't ya?

Banh-Mi: ... ... You're right. One day, when I'm done with this school with his offspring, we will coexist to rid of them to create more. Thanks um...

Andy: The name is Andy. Andy the... 

Then suddenly steam forms around him as he transforms and reveals himself to be Ant Kaijin.

Andy: Ant Kaijin.

Banh-Mi: Thanks, Andy.

Andy: Anytime. If you survive your failures, you know what to do next for new one.

Banh-Mi: Yeah.

Andy: goodbye... "friend"

He reverts to the human state as he runs away.

Banh-Mi: I'll show them.


Green Offspring: Oh yeah? Well I shot flower out of my bum and trip on my nose.

Red offspring: I farted butterflies. Then flip on the pad of butter and landed on my bottom of butter and said, "I'm a bumpy butter butt." Hehehe~!

Green offspring: You have one of the cuteness. I will do the honor of the thing.

He brings out tiny knife and stab himself to it as Banh-Mi arrive, mad.

Banh-Mi: What are you idiots doing?

Red offspring: Hey Banh-Mi, we were having a cute off.

Banh-Mi: What for? It's no use. I'm cute out of the humans today. But it's all Noodles this and Noodles that, screw Noodles! And screw them!

Green offspring: But being cute is what we do. It hurts hell to grow butterflies out of my ***hole. but it's worth it to be cute. Isn't it?

Banh-Mi: Noodles is a chump.

The green offspring died.

Banh-Mi: suck it up to Oishi and these humans when he could have so much more.

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