Ep 4: High School Girl

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The scene opens up with Hiro Minami going to his locker until someone grabs his jacket, and it was Raif and his friends as the trio looking at someone.

Raif: Hiro, my man, take look at this.

The reason why they were cool was the fact Hiro was good at sports, education, math, and science that everyone wants to be his friend, even jocks wanted to. And he was fine with Raif like this. Anyways, he looked at where they look at to see Oishi Kawaii, a demon slayer girl who had to go through high school life, as she text her phone as nerd girl walks up to her and her pet dog(Not Earth dog, obviously) Noodles.

Nerd Girl: Your dog is so cute!

She just blank and looks at her before she resumes her phone.

Nerd Girl: Can I pet him?

She proceed to pet Noodles as he giggles injoy as Nerd Girl's soul was sucked out into Noodles as his heart cheeks brighten.

Noodles: Ah!

Hiro: Not the normal dog I know...

Raif: Dude, I knew she is banging.

Raif's friend 1: Yeah. I don't know why but I'm crazy attracted to her?

Hiro: *whisper* Come on... dude.

Oishi: My locker won't open.

Then, she initiates her movesets.

Oishi: Battle Breast engage!

Hiro: Battle what now?

Then she shoots lasers out of her breast as in a few seconds, her locker has been open.

Hiro: 0_0 ...Now what I expect her ways to open...

Raif: Yeah, that's the point, she is full of surprises.

Hiro: -_- No kidding...

Raif: Alright, that's it. I'm going in.

He bangs the locker as one of his friends hit his shoulder for good luck.

Hiro: I really need to see this result.

There, he walks up to her.

Raif: Yo what up girl. How you is?

Then she brings her Twin Kunais out and pointed at him.

Oishi: Are you friend or foe?

Raif: hehe, chill girl, I'm Raif. Captain of the Football team and soon-to-be captain for you, lucky~.

Oishi: My apologies. I was asked for protecting it until the end of the universe where I saw all creation drowned in smoke and fire. I am worried time is running short for us all.

Hiro's Mind: Wait... what?

Raif: Uh yeah cool. So um... do you like to party?

Oishi: Par-ty?

Raif: Yeah, you know what partying is?

Oishi: *Smile* Is it something I can kill with?

Hiro(Background): Huh?

Raif: No...

Oishi: Then it is useless for me on my quest.

Raif: uh, alright, girl, let's talk more walk. We got places to be.

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