Ep 8: Gorgom influencing Banh-Mi

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The scene opens up at the hospital where Tara was in the bed for recovery as Oishi, Noodles, and Hiro were there for her.

Oishi: Tara-san, I just wanted to apologize for your face. To make amends, I got you a new face.

Tara: Oh... Oishi no.

She put the replacement on her face.

Hiro's Mind: I think she needs to learn about the process for applying the same face from before.

Oishi: I hope you like it. It was very hard to find a girl that looked like you. Hahahaha.

Tara speaks but Hiro doesn't know what she says in a quiet tone for her recovery(Seriously, I can't even hear what she's saying.)

Oishi: I also got you a greeting card. It has a very cool bear wearing sunglasses.

Tara: Oishi, Hiro, listen, just promise me this won't happen to everyone else.

Oishi: Hm... very well.

Hiro: I'll make sure of it.

Tara: Good. Now show me the bear.

She pulls the card out of a letter to show the bear with a coat and glasses giving the peace sign.

Tara: That is a pretty cool bear.

Hiro: And for me...

He place plushes to desk near the ballon, a Kaijin Black Sun plushy.

Hiro: You told me that you like how he protects the innocent against evil. How he save everyone in 2018, and you wanted someone to make one for ya as gift. So... this is a gift for ya.

Tara: Thank you... this is a very good plushie you made.

Hiro: First time making one with Juliet and mom at home. Happy you like it.


Banh-Mi: I'm the cutest of them all!

Red offspring: No I'm the cutest!

Pink offspring: I'm the cutest, watch me wiggle.

He just wiggles the calculator.

Pink offspring: watch me wiggle.

orange offspring: Check out my cute little paws.

Lighter pink offspring: Look, I'm a tiny little hot air balloon!

Light green offspring: I sleep the cutest.

She breathes in and out quickly.

Banh-Mi: Check this out!

He wraps himself with a blanket.

Banh-Mi: Oh I'm a burrito!

The girls were in awe at them as they were cutest to them as Banh-Mi hopped on the blondies face.

Blondie: Aw so cute!

Banh-Mi: Yo baby girl, did I tell you could talk?


When Hiro just arrives at school, with a book he had with him, Hiro just hears men shout in the shower, knowing they wanted to show manliness to hang out with Oishi as he just walks past it. As he walks along, he sees a quick dash of shadow figure before he shook his head as he failed to notice and walks away.

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