Ep 11: Japan!

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The scene opens up with SMG4, Bob, Boopkins, Hiro, Oishi, and Saiko as she shows one of the most famous temples in Japan to them.

Saiko Bichitaru: And here is one of the many famous temples in Japan!


Oishi: Interesting...

Then he takes a picture of it.

Bob Bobowski: Looks like the last 50 temples we have looked at!

Then he gets kicked by Saiko.

Hiro: That's an insult to the culture you know.

Saiko: Appreciate my culture, you filthy gaijin!

Fishy Boopkins: Uh, Saiko, this is cool and all, but can we go to Tokyo City?

Bob: Yeah, we're only in Japan for a day, I wanna go see anime waifus!

Saiko: ugh fine...

Then she hops on the cart.

Saiko: only if one of you pulls the cart

Bob, Boopkins, Hiro, and Oishi: Dibs, not it!/Dibs!

Then it leaves up to SMG4 to pull the cart.


Then he began to pull the cart while bob just whip him.

Bob: Faster, horsey, faster!


Oishi: Hey, give him time. He isn't a fire-breathing space horse.

Bob: Wait what?

Boopkins: Thanks for showing us around, Saiko!

Saiko: Yeah, well, think of it as thanks for taking me here all the way from the Mushroom Kingdom.

Boopkins: Yeah. If anime ban doesn't get lifted, I just might live here!

Hiro: I do as well for her safety.

Saiko: You should. Japan is great. And aw~ you care about me?

Hiro: *Blush* Y-yeah I do...

Meanwhile, Oishi felt suddenly jealous but didn't know why.

Bob: Faster, you stupid fatman.


Then he ground-pound the pulling stick thus sending Bob flying into a building and interrupting a Chargin' Chuck and a Coin Coffer's game by accidentally destroying their game table and game.

Bob: SMG4, you ass, I could've gotten a boo boo, If I had died. I would've never talked to you again!

He turn around to see both Chargin' Chuck and a Coin Coffer.

Bob: Oh, hi!

Then they hurl Bob out of the building, causing him to land in a truck near SMG4, Boopkins, Hiro, Oishi, and Saiko.

Boopkins: Uhh, the Japanese folk don't look too happy to see us.

Japan Folk 1 (helmetless Chargin' Chuck): *Hank hill Voice* I'm gonna kick your ass.

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