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"Yah! Listen up!"

The girls fall silent and turn toward Y/n. The prime omega stands in front of them with her arms crossed over her chest, eyes glazing over each member.

"I want professionalism, okay?" she glares at them. "You can mess around after your work is done. We're going to be here pretty much all day and it'll be the same for the next 3 days. There are 16 of us so there's a lot we have to cover. Let's work hard and show them why we're Lavish, yeah?"

"Hell yeah!"

"Let's do this!"

"I'm hungry."

Y/n snorts as the others burst into laughter. "Me too, but luckily for us, Chris has a meal ready for all of us. We're gonna eat first before getting started."

"Chris, huh?" Jihye smirks, wiggling her eyebrows. "When did that happen?"

"Probably when he drenched her in his scent," Sevie smirks, crossing her arms over her chest.

Y/n feels her face heat and adverts her gaze. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do," Hyunjoo smirks. "You came home last night with the goofiest smile on your face. Care to explain what happened with Chris?"

They continue to jeer and tease her and Y/n endures it all before glaring at them.

"Alright alright enough!" she laughs along with them. "Scenting helps our instincts. That's all it was."

"Then why did he ask you for a kiss on his live?" Yuaimo grins.

Eisaku blinks and turns to her. "He did? Wait, huh?"


"There you guys are," Felix opens the door. "Come on. We're starving."


They quickly follow Felix into the room and the moment Y/n steps up to him, he flinches back with an amused smile on his face.

"You smell more like Chris than Chris does," he chuckles. "I take it things are starting to go well for the two of you?"

Y/n sighs and blatantly ignores him. "Quiet."

Felix laughs brightly but relents. They turn the corner and as soon as the guys notice them, they cheer brightly.

"Finally! You guys take forever!"

"Sorry," Y/n laughs. "I had to give them a pep talk before coming inside."

Chan smiles up at her. "It's fine. Come sit."

They make their way over to the table with vocal expressions of gratitude for the pure amount of food on the table.

"Ugh, it smells so good!" Sujin groans.

"Thanks for the food!" the girls say.

Chan chuckles picking up his chopsticks, his ears tinting. "It's nothing."

They begin to eat in earnest, the two idol groups loudly interacting with each other. Y/n and Chan watch them in adored silence. After a while, Y/n quickly pats Chan's thigh.

"Hm?" he swallows his food. "What is it?"

"Look," she whispers, pointing towards the end of the table.

Chan follows her gaze and laughs softly to himself. He elbows Minho's side and he glares at him before noticing. Jeongin and Yuaimo were talking... more life flirting with each other and heavily at that. Y/n can smell Yuaimo's pleased scent from where she sits and she purrs to herself.

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