"Thank you," Madi muttered.

"You're welcome," Jack said. "Do you want me to open it for you?"

She nodded, handing him the piece of chocolate. Jack unwrapped the candy and gave it back to her.

"She's going to make a mess of herself," Jenny said, watching Madi.

Jack smiled crookedly and kissed the top of his niece's head. "I'll clean her up."

"You would make a great father," Jenny said. "I wish you would settle down and have a family."

Jack shook his head. "You sound like Mom."

"Mom and I want you to be happy," Jenny said.

Jack arched an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm not happy?"

"Are you?" Jenny wanted to know.

"Let's say I'm in-between," he responded.

"There's no in-between," Jenny said. "You're either happy or you're not. Which is it?"

Jack glanced down at Madi and saw her hands and mouth were covered in chocolate. "I'm with my favorite girl. Right now I'm happy."

"What about when you're not with her?" Jenny demanded to know.

"Mommy asks too many questions," Jack said to Madi.

"Because you won't share anything with me," Jenny snapped.

"She's cranky too," Jack muttered to Madi. "I think she needs a nap. What do you think? Does Mommy need a nap?"

"Yep." Madi licked her fingers. "You need a nap, Mommy."

"Mommy doesn't need a nap, sweetie," Jenny said. "She needs Uncle Jack to stop being a poopy head."

Jack chuckled softly. "You need to spend more time with people your own age, sis."

"I know," Jenny said, smiling weakly.

"All right, Sweet Pea. Let's go clean you up." Jack stood with Madi in his arms. He stepped to Jenny, bent down, and kissed her temple. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You just concentrate on this precious little girl you have. Okay?"


"And maybe you and Ryan should concentrate on trying for another one," Jack suggested.

"We're working on it," Jenny said. "I would love to have a boy."

"I'll pray for you," Jack said.

"Thank you, Jack-Jack."

Jack carried Madi to the kitchen, set her on the counter, and grabbed a dish towel from a drawer. He turned on the faucet and ran the towel under the water. Wringing out the excess water, he turned to Madi.

"How is school?" he asked, cleaning her right hand.

Madi attended preschool Monday through Friday. She adored school, mainly because she got to spend time with her friends.

"It's fun," she replied, excitement shining in her eyes. "We're gonna have show and tell."

Finished with her hand, Jack reached for the other one. "What are you going to take to show and tell?"

"My shell," Madi said.

She was referring to the large seashell Jack brought back for her from his trip to Florida a few years ago. "That's a good idea, Sweet Pea. Your friends can hold the shell to their ear and hear the ocean."

"Abby's gonna bring her turtle," Madi told him.

Abby was Madi's best friend.

Jack ran the dish towel under the faucet, wrung out the water, and gently wiped Madi's face. "What's her turtle's name?"

"Bob," Madi said. "She calls him that cause that's her grandpa's name. I want a turtle, but Mommy said no."

"Turtles are a lot of responsibility," Jack said. "You have to feed and water them and make sure their home is kept clean."

"I can do that," Madi said.

"What are you two talking about in here?" Jenny asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Turtles," Jack said. "Madi was telling me that she wants a turtle."

"I told her she can have one when she gets older and can take care of it herself," Jenny said.

"You heard Mommy." Jack tossed the dish towel in the sink. "When you're older you can have a turtle." He scooped Madi up, cuddling her close. "You're clean again, for now."

"We watch The Incredibles," Madi said.

Jenny groaned.

"I'll watch it with you, Sweet Pea." Jack looked at Jenny. "Put the movie in for us and then you can have a few hours to yourself."

Jack settled on the couch with Madi and together they watched The Incredibles.

A/N: Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to me. :)

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