"Get out of my sight," Shaw wheezed. "I want you in the next patrol. Go find some warm, willing wench to satisfy you, a whole brothel of them if you like. Fuck any damn thing you'd like for all I care, but have it out of your system before you return. I've made enough excuses for you brother," Shaw grunted, breathing easier now. "But no more. Take responsibilities for your faults and mistakes. Face the consequences. Should I receive one more complaint about you, rest assured, I will take appropriate action."

Iain scowled, growled, and spat on the rushes, very nearly missing Shaw's knee. Shaw hissed in warning, but remained where he was as Iain heaved himself to his feet and away from the great hall. The empty great hall, which was very, very strange for any time of the day, or night for that matter.

"They scattered as soon as I went to pull you apart," Ri answered his unspoken question as she released him, pulling herself up onto the nearest bench. "I don't think they wanted to be around for whatever temper tantrum they thought was coming."

"I do nay throw tantrums," Shaw growled slowly.

"Eww!" A high pitched, breathy voice complained. "You have, like, blood, and some nasty looking food all over your back! That's disgusting!" Lady Fiona leaned out over the railing, the part that Shaw hadn't broken, above. Her brother, Austin, stared slack-jawed down at Shaw.

"Dude! You've gotta teach me that!" The boy exclaimed. Shaw quirked a brow.

"Don't, please don't teach him that," Ri pleaded. Shaw felt the strangest urge to laugh, even though his jaw throbbed, his knuckles ached, and the bruises from his beating seemed to burn in protest.

"Ye dinnae wish your brother to protect himself?" He asked quietly.

"I want him to be safe, but he already thinks he's invincible. If we teach him to fight now, he'll get into a lot of trouble. Probably more than I can manage to get him out of. I'm afraid the cost of training him may be heavier than simply keeping him inside the castle walls."

"I dinnae understand ye, Ri," Shaw shook his head. "Any woman under my care would trust their Laird tae tend them and their family, would trust me and those under my command tae ken what's best. But nay ye, Ri. Ye speak as though ye are alone in the world, as though I've nay vowed tae protect ye as my own, as though yer family was mine. Ye've nothing to fear from me and if I have tae prove that tae ye, tell me how and it will be done." Shaw shifted so that he was kneeling before her, reached to grasp her hands in his. "Allow me tae put yer brother into training. Let him learn with other boys his age, let him learn to defend himself without the threat of danger. And should he get into trouble as ye fear, I am at yer disposal to punish or protect as ye see fit."

"This seems a little more than simple kindness. I take it you don't offer this level of, ah, service to other women who randomly drop in your lap?"

"Nay, but no other woman has saved my life either, nor has any other woman intrigued and frustrated as ye." They had drawn closer, leaning towards each other. They were not obscenely close, more like they might be having an intense, whispered conversation (which was true enough). But Shaw could feel her breath puffing against his chin and lower lip, could smell the sweet perfume that seemed to be wholly her and not some essence of lily or some such concoction. Were it not for her siblings' footsteps rushing down the stairs to his left he would have firmly clasped her head and made her forget the world. Her eyes burned into his, intense points of violet fire that searched his soul. He stared back jut as intently, heart pounding against his ribs. Gods, she was gorgeous.

"If he does this, he doesn't do this half assed," Ri sighed heavily. "He lives in the barracks, he follows orders, he goes on patrol, scouts, he's assigned to a platoon, everything that the other boys are subjected to, he's treated no differently than them. If he fails, if he screws up, he lands in jail like the rest. As long as he's not mortally wounded, maimed, or killed, he's on his own."

"He'll earn his keep," Shaw promised, nodding in approval. The lad had been coddled long enough. He though himself a man, now it was time he learned what that truly meant.

"Austin," She called to her right, not taking her eyes off of Shaw. "You're training with the other boys tomorrow. Go see,"

"Darrach," Shaw supplied. "The hulking giant with the crick in his neck," he suppressed his smile. Ri nodded, hiding a smile of her own.

"Go find Darrach. He'll get you settled in the barracks with the other boys."

"Woah, barracks?" Austin scowled. "Fuck that, I'll stay in my room and the big guy there'll just give me a few lessons." Shaw grunted and rose to his feet.

"Does nay work like that, lad. Yer in my lands, my castle, ye'll follow my orders. Ye'll fight for me if I command it, and ye'll die fighting fer yer sisters because they've fought very hard fer ye, and you owe them yer life." A hand reached behind him to clasp Ri's shoulder, he hoped, reassured her that he was only meaning to scare the lad, to get him thinking.

"You're not the boss of me!" The lad sounded like a petulant child, which was exactly what he was actually. Whoever these Willows were, they were assuredly very, very wealthy if the heirs were so used to luxury and inactivity. Which meant whatever happened to Ri must have been especially traumatic to cure her of such a lifestyle.

"Nay," Shaw snarled, adopting his best commanding tone. "I am the Laird of the Clan Logan and the Castle Loganach. I am the boss of everyone in these halls and if ye refuse tae obey my orders ye will suffer the consequences." The lad was frightened, shrinking back. Shaw softened, but remained firm. "Ye'll report tae Darrach, or ye'll be dragged. Either way, ye'll do as yer told."

"Goddamn, mother fu -" Austin spat.

"ENOUGH," Shaw barked in Gaelic. "Go!" Apparently that tone was universal. Austin spun and stomped out. Shaw followed, trailed by a lingering, feather-soft touch on the back of his hand, and a breathed "thank you."

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