"Handsome" She called looking deeply at me without any sense of lark

"Yes Momy" I teased trying to ease the tensed atmosphere

"Who is the someone you are talking about. Wallahi don't tell me you got a girlfriend without me knowing cause I will cut off your legs" she ranted off

Sometimes I wonder why First luv acts weird like she's always saying she can't wait for me to get married but each time I mentioned of a girl then all I get in return is her wrath.

"Haba now,you are my best friend fh if I got one you will know. And besides I was referring to your daughter over there" I said pointing at Beauty. Her mouth was stretched and drawn back exposing her teeth,her eyes were as wide as saucers. One word for her was fear,yes she was afraid I could tell more to First Luv.

A smile immediately crept on First luv's lips.

"Oh that's good then" she just said not asking any further.
Like what happened or what did she do to make me happy.Something really smelled fishy but still I can't figure out what.

Beauty closed her eyes and tilted her head back letting out a huge exhalation of pent-up breath. She was relieved probably because First luv didn't enquire any further.I was also relieved cause I got nothing to reply her with.

First luv locked our arms together before we took two steps to the table. She sat me down on the chair smiling sheepishly.I couldn't help but ponder on what cause her increase in happiness.

Beauty kept on glaring at me low key,anger rose in me like a tide but I kept it in check.

I faced a lavish meal on my plate before I took a tentative bite and chewed slowly. Mmm ambrosia. I widened my eyes and leaned forward sigh of relief ascending to heaven. The next mouthful vanished with nary a chew. Within moments the remainder of the food disappeared as I gnawed and growled like a caged bear.All too soon the plate was bare,i then belched. A good belch tinged with the taste and scent of ... No!
It was dead silent,no clinking sounds of plates and spoons so I looked up and found them both looking at me with their mouths hung open. I looked at my plate then back to them and then to their plates which were all full but not to their brim.
A flush of embarrassment took over my face as I looked at them.
Seconds later a buzz of laughter spread in the room. They were laughing so hysterically mimicking how I ate hungrily and also how I belched. It was very annoying,i grimaced then stood up. Looking behind me the maids waiting for me were muffling their laughter.I quivered in anger as I walked to the two maids. I cupped my fist in my other hand before raising it to lay on them both.

"Not when I'm here,I won't let you maltreat them." She said but I didn't pay any heed to her words,so I dragged them out to the front yard.

My personal securities immediately walked up to me
"Sir what should we do to them?" They asked

"Let the dogs devour on them" I said shaking with fury anger spiking up in me. That was so disrespectful of them,how dare them.

I watched as they were been dragged away,I didn't felt a slight pity for them even when they were crying and asking for help.

First luv walked out when they were already gone walking side by side with Beauty.

"First luv I'm off" I said trying to give her a hug. She jerked away immediately giving me a cold look.
She didn't look happy for what I did,but I had to punish them.

This is my kingdom where only I rule,I have to put my fear in them. They have to give me full respect or else I can go from punishing them to threatening their lives. You don't do shit with me and go scot free.

A twist  of  hatred Where stories live. Discover now