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With every step I take towards my house, my breathing grows heavy. There is this weird sensation in my body right now.

Very different from how it feels to be near Royce though.

This is a different type of weird. Suddenly the burger, I ate earlier rests heavily in my stomach, wanting to get out. My heart is beating frantically in my chest.

I put my right hand on my chest, just above where my heart is supposed to be.

I stop walking just outside of the main door to the house that leads to the front yard and take some deep calming breaths.

I give myself a mental pep talk.

It's okay, Hope. You are almost 18, of course you can stay past your curfew. Probably not 4 hours past your curfew but they will understand. They are your parents, they have to. Now, put on your big girl pants and face it.

I took a deep breath and opened the door to the front yard. We have a small and cute front yard. There are some flowers on the right side and a whole lot of alo vera plants on the left. My mum has this weird fixation with them. She uses them as face gel, sunscreen, hair gel and even on small cuts and scratches.

I think, this same alovera I will have to use to apply to my heart after our conversation.

I enter the house and walk towards the main living area. The first thing I notice when I enter the living area is the TV. It's your regular 32 inch TV. My dad bought it 3 years back. I remember arguing with my dad to get a big TV because I saw a big one at Tate's house. And I also remember him telling me that TV is a distraction that I should stay away from. How I will get behind with my studies, if I spent too much time obsessing over TV shows.

I get further into the room, only to find no one there.

"In here." Comes my mum's voice from from the dining area attached to the kitchen.

I slowly make my way to the kitchen.

I find my dad sitting on the dining table and mum standing near the kitchen station.

The disappointment on their face was palpable and all the pep talk, I tried to give myself earlier suddenly went to zero. I hate that, I'm the reason behind the sorrow look on their face

My dad's eyes find mine and I look away. I can't face him right now.

I could feel his eyes on my face.

I take a seat directly across from him on the table.

My head downcast, shoulders hunched forward.

I hear him take in heavy breath and release it. My mom comes and sits on my dad's right. I have never been this embarrassed in my entire life.

Or maybe I have. The morning Royce, more or less kicked me out. But that was a different kind of embarrassment. I was embarrassed because, I let myself down. Right now I'm embarrassed because, I let my parents down.

"Hope." Dad calls my name.

I slowly look up and meet his eyes.

I clear my throat.

"I'm sorry, dad." I tell dad, looking him in the eyes.

Then I look at mom, meeting her eyes.

"I'm sorry, mom." I tell her.

It's hard to keep looking at them but I don't have any other choice.

They don't say a word just look at me with critical eyes.

"Where were you?" My dad finally asks.

I was expecting this question.

"We went bowling then got sidetracked with watching a movie." I tell him.

I don't like to lie to them but I can't possibly tell them that I got sidetracked by the guys who took my virginity a few weeks back.

Yeah, they wouldn't like it.

My dad just stares at me for some time.

"Hope, you don't get sidetracked by watching a movie enough to not answer your phone one time, do you? We called you so much. Do you have any idea how worried we were?" He speaks, slightly raising his voice.

"Dad, my phone was on silent. I didn't hear you guys calling. I'm sorry." My voice desperate.

"Phone was on silent, of course." He speaks on a mock snicker, shaking his head.

My mom puts a calming hand on his bicep. Her face now eitched with concern.

"Hope, we love you and we want to give you independence and everything but independence doesn't mean staying out late till almost midnight." She speaks, with concern in her voice.

It's not midnight yet, I can't possibly correct her right now. It will only worsen my case.

It feels like something hot is being poured on my face and body. If someone will check my body temperature right now, it's going to be really high.

"Hope, it's your decision in the end obviously, but think about your future before you make any rash decisions again." Dad speaks.

I don't have anything to say, so I just nod my head.

There is a moment of silence before my mom speaks again.

"Did you eat anything?" Mom asks.


"Well, go to bed then."

I silently got off the table and made my way to my bedroom upstairs.

Once I was in the confines of my room, I locked the door and leaned against it.

I took a deep breath.

I slid down the door and sat on my butt with my knees touching my chest. I wrapped my arms around my knees, hugging them to myself and just sitting there.

I don't know when the tears started to flow down but they wouldn't stop now.

I cry there silently for God knows how long.

The day has finally caught up to me.

Nothing is going the way I want it to go.

Royce and I are over, even though we never started and now I have to see him with another girl knowing it's all lies and I can't even do anything about it.

Mom and dad are severely disappointed in me and would probably never trust me again.

My life is a one big mess.

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