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Monday morning.

I hate Mondays and mornings. These are worst things in life. Sometimes I wish schools should have been an evening thing. Like, how can you expect someone to wake up at 6:30 in the morning? This should be illegal. Don't get me wrong, I'm not like a lazy potato who wakes up around afternoon. But I'm not a morning person either. I like to wake up at around 8. Which according to me is better than waking up around afternoon.

I wish I had the power to stop time. That would make my life so easy. Then I wouldn't have to worry about being late to school or upsetting mom for coming home late. Sadly it's 2022, I'm 17 years old and I know there is no such thing as magic or Santa Claus.

It's been two days since I lost my virginity to the one who shall not be named. Two days of me being a complete mess.

One moment, I'm angry at him for talking to me like that. Like, who the hell does he think he is? I don't care if, he owns the entire school and every person in it. I would never ever allow anyone to talk to me that way.

Then, the next moment, I'm guilty for not telling him about my virginity. The guilt gets, so much so that it gets hard to even look myself in the mirror.

Then, the next moment, I'm jealous out of my mind thinking about that photo he posted with that girl. I want to rip her hair out and kick him in the balls. I have decided that if, I'm going to have these violent thoughts, then Royce will be a part of them. After all he is the one who slept with me even after being in a relationship. And the bastard even lied to me about not being into relationships when he clearly had a girlfriend.

Then, there are moments when I get panicked out of my mind thinking about seeing him in the school. Thousands of questions started to explode in my mind like, is he going to ignore me? How am I going to face him after everything? What our he told everyone about our night together and how I lied to him? I know he wouldn't do it but I still have a silver of doubt that won't go away.

I guess I will find out today since I have school today.

I don't like going to school. Not because of Royce, I in general do not like going to school.

It's not that I hate school or anything but I don't like it either. Me and school have this mutual understanding where we both don't like each other. We like to keep some respectful distance between us.

Unfortunately I cannot tell my parents about this little understanding we have going on. So I have to go to school.

Getting out of bed, I go the bathroom. After peeing and brushing my teeth, I take my t-shirt and shorts off for the shower. After taking them off I look at myself in the mirror. The hickeys he left on my neck and all over my breasts are starting to fade away. Two days ago, I'm body was looking like it's been beaten up by someone. My neck, my boobs, my stomach end even my hips were covered in bite marks and hickeys. I'm thankful for the foundation that Tate forced me to buy a year ago during carnival. The foundation helped me a lot covering the hickeys.

Thankfully today I don't need to apply as much. Only a little bit to cover the marks around my neck.

After taking a shower, I wrap a towel around my body and get out of the shower area and get ready.

After getting ready I go downstairs for breakfast. I don't really like to eat anything this early in the morning but mum would bug me until I eat something so might I as well save us both the time and energy and eat something.

I make my way to the dinning area adjoint with the kitchen. I found mum and dad already seated and eating.

I go to mum, greet her and kiss her on the cheek and do the same with dad. Then I go sit my butt down.

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