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After leaving Hope, I carry vanshika to another room and put her to bed.

"You can stop pretending now. It's just me and you." I whisper in her ear.

Her blue eyes popped open and stared at me with mischievous.

"Pretending? I wasn't pretending babe. I genuinely was asleep. But now that you woke me up, let's have some fun." Her arms curled around my neck to pull me to her.

I gently pry her arms from around my neck.

"Not in a mood van. And the next time you decide to play house, at least let me know." I stand up.

She slowly props herself up against the headboard and pulls the blanket up to cover her bare legs.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Can't I sleep on my boyfriend's lap?" She says, batting her eyelashes at me.

I raise my eyebrows at her.

In a second she loses her facade.

"Okay fine. I did that to get on your nerves. It's kinda funny, you know. Plus, let's not forget, you kissing me on my neck. For a second there, I thought you were actually interested in me." She says, dropping her flirtatious facade.

"But then, I noticed your eyes were actually not on me. Guess who it was on?" She continues in a mocking tone.

"You are much prettier, when you keep your mouth shut." I grit.

I turn around to leave the room.

"Careful there big bad wolf. Your freezing heart might be melting a bit."

This stops me dead in my tracks.

She is crossing her lines now. I turn around to face her and stare right into her eyes.

"This is the first and last time, you're shoving your nose where it doesn't belong. Taunt me one more fucking time and our deal is over. Then, you can go around and play match maker all you want." I say calmly, with a poker face.

Her expression visibly darkened and jaw clenched at this.

I smirk.

"I was just joking ass-face. And don't you fucking dare to threaten me again. It is as much beneficial to you as much it is to me." She says through clenched teeth.

" Just. Stay. Out. Of. My. Business." I punctuate each word.

She throws her hands up in the air, in surrender.

I leave her in the room and make my way to the kidney shaped pool.

I need a way to exhaust myself. Swimming has always been my escape from reality.

Whenever it got too much, swimming was always there.

I usually swim naked but tonight I have company in the house. So I'll stick with my swim trunks.

I swim several laps.

I swim to the edge. Relaxing for a bit, I close my eyes.

A brunette with chocolate brown eyes invade my thoughts. Her smile. Her voice. The way she smells so beautiful all the goddamn time. Her long legs. The same legs that were wrapped tightly around my waist, as I pounded inside her.


Now I'm hard.

I need to get laid.

I've been celibate for too long.

In a moment of weakness, I wrap my hand around my shaft.

Just this once.

I thrust myself into my hand, thinking about her tight cunt. They way she moaned my name, as I took my frustration out on her.

I thrust harder.

Her whimpers, as I sucked on her clit.
She tasted like heaven. The way she tightened her arms around my neck, as I pinched and sucked her nipples.

I thrust myself even harder.

Her screams, as she came around my dick.

Then, I come around my hand.

My chest heaves, as if I just ran a marathon.

That night, when I found hope in my room, I was super pissed and horny.

I had another argument with my father on the phone. We had just won the fucking match but all my sperm donor cared about was, how I'm supposed to take over his fucking business.

I was super pissed and horny. And then I saw a beautiful little thing roaming around my room. I thought she will bolt out of the room like a bullet, when I gave her a warning. But she stood there boldly.

Everything was going good until I discovered she is a virgin (or was).

I wasn't lying at the time. The reason I don't do virgins is because they get attached. And I don't have time for attachments.

And a girl like Hope actually deserves a lot better than me.

But fuck me, if I didn't feel like killing Shawn for flirting with her.

After that night, I thought everything would go back to normal as it was. But who I was kidding. The moment I saw Hope in school, I was a goner.

I have no idea, how I never noticed her in school before.

But whatever this is, it can't happen. I'm not the guy for her. I have already planned out my entire life for myself.

Football, eat, shit, fuck, repeat.

I don't have time for relationships.

She is only going to be a weakness for me in long term.

Plus with the deal I have with vanshika, it can not happen.


She is nothing.

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