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Finally physics is over. It was absolutely hell. I think, I would have passed out, if I had to spent one more 1 minute in that class room. I feel exhausted out of my mind and I haven't even done anything physically exhausting. Physics will do that to you.

It's not that, I don't like physics, I do. But not so much that I could sit through an hour and 45 minutes of lecture. I tried, you know. I really really tried but after 30 minutes I just couldn't concentrate on anything without wanting to rip my hair out. And I can't afford to not concentrate in this class. I can't let my grades drop otherwise my chances of going to MIT would drop too. And cheery on top is, we have a test this week. Now I have to prepare for that as well.

I am god's least favorite child. I just know it.

Next, I have calculus with Tate. I wish, I had the guts to skip this class, but I don't. I'm a scaredy cat as Tate likes to remind me after every hour.

And cherry on top would be, Royce and vanshika are going to be there.

It will not be the first time that Royce and I will share a class but today will be the first class we'll share after having sex.

To say I'm nervous would be an understatement.

I don't have the energy for this today. I just want to go home and read my sorrows away.

I make my way out of the class room with a heavy heart. I find Tate just out of the classroom, leaning against the wall and exchanging slutty gaze at Ali.

I make my way to where she is standing.

"Really, Tatum Tate?" I ask her, with raised eyebrows.

"What? Now I can't even look at boys?" She looks at me innocently, batting her eyelashes.

"Of course, you can. But just be careful with that one. You remember, what happened sometime ago with that teacher? He is bad news, Tate." I tell her with concern.

I don't usually tell her what she should do and what not. It's her life and she should have full control over it. And if God forbid, she takes some stupid decision, if will be there to clean up the mess but I would never try to control her. I think, you learn from your mistakes. How dull would be your life, if you don't have any regrets, any unfinished business.

But right now, it's Ali in the situation. And he would not be a stupid decision, he would be a heart wrecking decision. I don't want that for Tate. She deserves better.

"I'm glad you care about me so much, Hopeless. I'm flattered." She throws her arm around my shoulder and starts to walk us towards our calculus class. "But you don't need to worry. I've got it under control." She continues speaking, winking at me.

I can just hope, it ends differently for her than it did for me. But even if it doesn't, I will be there to pick her up. And of course to kick Ali's ass.

"Forget about me. Let's talk about your boy problem. How was physics with the cherry popper and his girlfriend?" She asks me so calmly, as if she did not just addressed Royce as cherry popper.

"Eww, Tate!! That's a disgusting name. Don't use it in front of me." I make a disgusted face but laugh anyway. "Or anyone.'' I added.

"And to answer your question, it was horrible. I just couldn't concentrate on anything after the first 30 minutes. And then I had to sit and watch as the love birds got out of the classroom, hand in hand. I wish, we didn't had to share so many classes. I don't know, how will I sit through another hour and a 45 minutes class with them in the same room." I whined to her.

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