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Have you ever felt like everything is going as you planned and then suddenly everything goes South.

Boom, crash!

That your world has been tilted off it's axis.

That's exactly how I'm feeling right now. I just woke up. I was feeling so good and content and then I looked around and found myself stark naked in a room I don't remember myself walking to.

Last night was so amazing.

I never thought I would lose my virginity the way I did but I wouldn't change a thing about last night. Hell, if I was given a chance, I would probably do it again.

Last night was amazing.

Royce was amazing.

I remember him cleaning me between the thighs when he thought I was asleep. I wanted to thank him but I was so tired I couldn't move a limb.

See, I told you guys he can be sweet.

Last thing I remember before drifting off is rustling of clothes. I didn't bother to look around last night because I was in my own happy bubble.But right now I'm regretting being so off guard. I should have woken up last night and talked to him. I know by not telling him that I was a virgin was wrong but I knew if I told him, he would walk out. And yes I know that is selfish. I would even apologize to him but for that I need to find him.

This room is way bigger than the room I was in last night. It has that rich vibe that I don't like one bit. This room has a king sized bed, bedside table on each side, a big couch on the extreme right, just beside the couch is a massive bookshelf which has only a few books and that's it. This huge ass room has only 4 piece of furniture.

Coming back to last night.

It shouldn't hurt as he didn't promise me anything but i cancer help but feel a little betrayed.

I know its stupid but the heart wants what it wants. Sometimes I wish I could control my expectations for others. It had only ever gotten me hurt.

Put on your big girl panties hope

I get out of bed and search for my clothes, I find the neatly folded across the couch and my phone right beside it.

Fuck, Tate.

I put on my clothes in record time. Nearly face planting my face on the floor.

I check my phone and there are 10 missed calls from Tate. And 2 from Mom.


I didn't know who to call first. I was scared to call either to be honest. I make spilt decision to call my mum first.

Tate can wait for some more time.

I call my mom and She picks up in 2 rings.

"Hi, honey. How was your girls night out?" Her voice instantly soothes me.

For a second there I was confused what was she talking about.

And then I realised, I lied to her about last night. I told her I was staying over at Tate's and I obviously wasn't.

It's takes me a moment to be able to talk to her.

"It was great mom. We watched movies and played board games. I just woke up actually." I feel like a piece of shit for lying to her. But I couldn't exactly tell her that I was at a party and ended up losing my virginity to the most handsome prick of this town.

Yep, not a good idea.

"Just woke up? Hope, it's 11 in the morning. I want you home before 12." She says sternly.

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