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During our drive back home, I tell Tate everything. And when I say everything I mean every single thing.

I tell her how I ended up in Royce's room and how we both ended up naked and entangled.

Through out my speech, Tate listens to me intentionally. I'm pretty sure didn't even blink once. And not once she judges me. Or atleast her face remains the same. Honestly I wouldn't be upset if she did because I deserved it. If anything she blames Royce for everything. I had to physically stop her from turning back around to go back to Royce's house to force him to apologize to me.

That is how Tate works. She can kill for the people she cares about. And I'm so thankful that I'm one of those people. And because she cares about me, she would never blame me or anything, even of she knows I'm to blame for. But I know better. I'm the one who is to blame for everything. I was the one, who didn't walk out when I was gives so many chances. I was the one, who wasn't fully honest.

Now I have to live with this regret for the rest of my life.

Coming back to now.

Right now we're in my room, lying on the bed and eating nachos.

I went in the kitchen for the search of ice cream because ice cream is like my sulking dessert. Whenever I'm sad, I like to eat ice cream and not just any ice cream it has to be chocolate ice cream. But guess, today is not my day since we don't have any ice cream in the refrigerator. So we had to compensate with nachos. It not like nachos are bed, it's just my love for ice cream is more.

"I'm disappointed though Hopeless. You went and had sex for the first time and that's amazing but why Royce? Does it had to be that royal dick? I mean I know he is hot and all but the dude has a ego of the size of Texas." She rolls her eyes.

Yep! Definitely not a fan of Royce.

"If I remember correctly, someone was swooning after him when he merely picked up there pen from the floor and gave it to them." I tell her in a mocking voice.

Last year during one of our classes, Tate and I were chating. And Tate was twirling a pen around her fingers, by mistake she dropped the pen on the floor. Just as she was about to bend down and pick it back up, Royce came, picked the pen up and gave it to her with a sweet smile on his face. I had to listen to her swoon after him for over 1 month. She was so charmed by him.

"Hope!! We decided to never bring it up." She throws a pillow at me and hide her face in her palms.

I just laugh.

It's feels good to laugh. After yesterday night and this mornings shit show, this is what I needed. Tate, chocolate icecream which we don't have but nachos will do, and laughter.

"Let's please not bring each other's embarrassing past ever again, Hope. Deal?" She offers me her hand to shake.

I take her hand and give her a firm shake.

"Deal and that includes last night and this morning, okay?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Deal." She makes a show of zipping her mouth, locking it and throwing the key out of the window.

At that we both laugh.

Then we eat in comfortable silence. These are the moments with Tate I live for. With her I don't need to fill the space with mindless conversation. I usually get uncomfortable and awkward when I'm greeted with silence but not with Tate. I know I could be my true self with her. I know I can sit silently with her for hours and she still wouldn't mind. And that's saying a lot since Tate loves to speak but she knows when I need my silence.

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