Chapter 28 - Abhimanyu - The Truth

Start from the beginning

"But there I was —ever the rebel. I fought him tooth and nail. I told him I wanted to study music therapy. I even begged him —but no. He wanted to protect me. So I ran. The moment I turned 18, I ran. Far, far away. All the way to New York."

"But then why change the name?"

"Because my grandfather is powerful and well connected. When I tried to apply for college using my original name, Akshara Goenka, I would get rejected. At first I didn't think it was a big deal but after repeatedly getting rejected, one admissions officer was kind enough to let me know the reason why. They said my name was flagged and every time I applied to any school, an anonymous donation would come in —worth millions of dollars with one single request. To reject my application."

"And that is why you chose to go by your mothers maiden name. Singhania." I completed her story for her.

"Yes. At least Akshara Singhania wouldn't raise as many red flags as Akshara Goenka. And it shouldn't have mattered whether I was a Goenka or Singhania because in a way, I am both. I didn't think it was a big issue of importance until today. Not until you questioned me —my honesty. I didn't lie to you Abhi...manyu...," She stared at me intently, pulling my hands and wrapping her dainty fingers around my large ones.

I flinched at the Manyu. I shouldn't have done that. But I swear I'll spend my fair share of the time groveling about it. Apologizing for my own foolishness.

"I didn't lie to you, Abhimanyu. Because I am as much a Singhania as I am a Goenka. I don't know what you were expecting but other than this —I don't have any secrets. I know we haven't known each other for too long, but I need you to trust me. Just a little bit. Because trust is a very important part of a relationship. I know you've been hurt, lied to, abandoned but you shouldn't let the demons of your past dictate your future."

And it was then that I felt like a complete and utter asshole. That is when I knew I had fucked up.

"Akshara..." I reached out to hold her hand, but she pulled away from me, side stepping my body blockade.

"I haven't spoken to —let alone seen my family since the time I turned 18. I had to start from scratch, working odd jobs to put me through college." Akshara locked her eyes with mine. The tears had dried up and instead was replaced by hurt masked with indifference.

I didn't say a word as Akshara nodded her head at me and walked towards the cabin door. I fisted my hands to my sides, angry —not at her —but myself for being so stupid.

I heard the door open, "I'm used to being alone, Abhimanyu." She announced with no hint of malice to her voice.

As I turned around to face her, to stop her, she was gone.

I'm used to being alone, Abhimanyu. —That was her way of telling me the ball was in my court now. It was my decision to take —to see where our future lead.

You may be used to being alone, Akshara but not me. Not since the moment I met you.

With intent and a clarity of what I wanted in life —Akshara —I exited my office, letting my door slam shut loudly behind me.

Just as I hit the main floor lobby, I bumped into Nurse Kavya, a senior nurse, probably in her late 50s who was my girl Friday. The one person in this entire hospital who knew me inside out.


"I don't have time right now. I need to do something important." I waved her off, trying to maneuver myself around her.

"I think you need to hear this. It's about Vikram and Akshara." She replied, just as I felt the ground shift from beneath me.

Vikram and Akshara. The only two names which could have stopped me dead in my tracks.

"What about them?" I asked, impatiently. Already having a feeling I wasn't going to like what was going to be said.

"Vikram has been harassing Akshara. He had asked her out for a date multiple times since she's started here only to be shot down every single time. I had even asked Akshara to tell you but she said you didn't need to be bothered by petty things like that."

I closed my eyes, and took a few deep breaths. 3...2...1. Inhaling and exhaling with every fiber of my being.

Now it all made sense. Why Vikram had come to my cabin, miffed that day demanding Akshara to be fired. The day of the elevator incidence. I had thought it was because she had closed the door on his face —but no. He had been miffed that she had declined his invitation for a date.

And it made sense now why Vikram had begun digging up information on her. She had hurt his ego. He wanted to hurt her.

And I had let him.

I had walked right into his trap and allowed him to hurt her where it hurt most.

Her heart.

I felt like I was going to be sick. I needed to find her. I needed to apologize. For many things. For not trusting her, for Vikram, for what I said. But most importantly, for being unable to protect her —like she protected me.

"I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn but I saw Akshara walk out of here looking very unhappy and I knew I had to say something. She is a very kindhearted and nice girl, Dr. Abhimanyu."

She was. I didn't need that constant reminder.

"Thank you. Thank you for telling me." I replied, grateful.

She nodded her head and gave me an accepting smile.

As I made my way towards the exit, I heard Vikram call my name from behind.


It took all my sheer willpower to stop in my steps and turn to face his smirking face.

"I saw Akshara leaving in a hurry, Abhimanyu. I even tried to call her name but she didn't turn around or stop. Which could only mean you talked to her."

I grit my teeth and fisted my hands to my side, taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Counting backwards from 10 should help. Right?


"I'd say good riddance. We didn't need a liar like her in our team anyway."

Calm Abhimanyu. Calm. 7...6...5...

"You shouldn't trust people that easily Abhimanyu. I saw how close you were getting to her and I am glad I was able to stop it before it got too serious. It's good that she learnt her lesson. A girl like her —a liar, a cheat didn't deserve you anyway."

"Shut up, Vikram!" I exclaimed, pulling back my hand and punching forwards. slamming my knuckles against his pristine white teeth attached to his fowl mouth, getting his nose in the process too.

"Shut up! Don't you say a word against Akshara." Outraged. That's how I felt. I pulled back from the punch to see Vikram was was bleeding both from his mouth and nose.

"What the hell?" Vikram yelled, whimpering in pain, looking around him to see everyone had stopped dead in their tracks and were looking directly at us.

"You know where to go to get bandaged. And as you're aware, employees get treated for free here." I informed him, harshly before turning on my heel and exiting the building.

I had to go find Akshara.

And apologize profusely.




But one thing was for sure, I wasn't going to let her go. And I was going to convince her that I was worth it.

That we were worth it.


Any guesses on where Abhimanyu would find Akshara? And apologies the delays. As you know I'm traveling. But let me know how it is!

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