Charlie! Please! God No! (Part 2)

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                            *THRID PERSON POV*

Nick pressed the red button, the emergency button. The doctors rushed in. Charlie had flatlined. He was gone. Tori was there, Nicks Mum, Charlie's Parents, Oliver. Tara, Darcy, Tao, Elle. Everyone.

Nick fell to the floor in completely dysfunctional and ruined. Agony fell over him. Tears running down his face. He stormed out of the hospital, his mum following him. "Nicky..." She whispered, she found Nick sitting against the brick wall of the hospital. She sat next to him, holding her son in her arms.

Nick had stopped crying. Everything blurred, everything had stopped. The world had stopped. Everything felt numb.

"I can't wake up next to him...I can't see his Smile, His dimples, his blue eyes, His brown hair...I can't believe he's gone. I can't believe I have to live without him. I don't know...I don't know if this something I can do." Nick said. "I know, but it'll get better. I promise." His mum said. Her voice soft, her eyes carefully focused on her son.


Charlie rang the doorbell. Nick ran down the stairs, everyday he'd hoped that it would be Charlie who would be standing on the opposite side of the door. It never was. He kept his hopes low but kept his eyes open.

He would often times hallucinate, hallucinate that Charlie was there. He would hold Charlie in his arms. He was sick of hearing about Charlie's death. He was sick of seeing Charlie. He just wanted Charlie to be alive. He wanted Charlie to be with him.

"Nick." Charlie fell into Nicks arms. "No, No. Your not real! Stop...They'll take me away! Please, Please!" Nick begged. He looked rough, as if he hadn't slept in weeks, he looked skinner, his hair was a mess. He looked like a person who was in a psychiatric ward in the movies. He looked like he was about to have a meltdown then and there

"I'm alive. I just got released from the hospital...come on, let's get you cleaned up" Charlie whispered, his voice soft. Once he had realized that it was charlie! and that charlie was really alive, he was jubilant.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mea-"  Nicks rant got interrupted by Charlie kissing him. Nick felt his cheeks turning red. "Your okay..." Charlie said, once he'd pulled away. He started to clean nick up, having him change, brushing his hair, Nick made them food.

Charlie started at the food, but ate it. "Charlie! I'm so happy your alive!" Charlie did say anything, but just hugged Nick. Charlie smiled, which made Nick smile. They were happy together, and they knew it. After all, why wouldn't they be?

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