"I know that you need me to come with for interrogation, and I'm willing to cooperate..in one condition" Theo said getting straight to the point as he met Damon eye to eye with no sign of fear.

I guess you could never underestimate a beta's bravery

"State it" Damon said respecting his wishes.

Theo doesn't know that our laws have changed as soon as Damon became the alpha.

In missions like this, Damon couldn't care shit about those that had been involved in one of Tristan's problems as long as we got Tristan back safe and sound he's contented.

Which means interrogation is no longger needed.

But Theo misunderstood and quickly thought that since he's involved in the heir's dissapearance, he's to be put in trial back at the pack.

He went straight to the point, like a beta should.

"Don't let any of them come near or hurt me and my nephew" Theo said to which caused Damon's eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"The mortal?"

"Yes, this mortal is the only thing that's left of a dear friend, we'll cooperate as long as you promise us protection" He said fluently in wolfage causing Damon to smile lightly, probably happy that he hasn't fully abandoned the pack's traditions.

I couldn't do anything but clench my fist at the silent reunion.

A reunion I never once looked forward too.

         Specific location: unknown

" That's what happened. What do we do? This isn't how it was planned Ma! Damon is mine! But now Theo is back and-"

" Oh darling, you seriously think that just because Theo's back, he can reclaim the title of being the pack's luna?" My mom said with her legs crossed, her evil grin remained untainted even after hearing the news.

"After everything you've done to remain by Damon's side, are you seriously giving in now?" She taunted while shaking her head.

"Of course not but-"

"You still have the heir, Tristan, even if Theo came back and was able to capture the alpha's heart once more, doesn't change the fact that you have a child with him, even if it was just a surrogate, isn't that right Tristan?" Mom said as he looked at Tristan whom is currently bowing in respect to my mother.

The only elder remaining after Damon killed all of them.

"As long as you keep Damon tied around your delicate fingers, you'll be fine-"

"Theo bought a mortal with him"  I stated causing my mom's smile to drop.

"A mortal?"

"Yes..and..he looks, almost like me" I said causing her to hum.

"But he's a mortal, even tho I'm a wizard myself, there has never been a spell that was able to change one's species, the ingredients for such things had never existed. So calm your ass down, Theo bearing a child is impossible in the first place" She stated as she walked up from her chair.

"Theo's a beta, him having a child is impossible" She said as she kissed my forehead reassuringly.

Even when I was young, my mother had always hated the Heighns ( Damon's family) because they banished her mate for being a traitor amongst the pack even without enough evidence.

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