2 - Back to School

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No one's POV

Location: Hebijo Academy

We see the Hebijo girls back in the academy, with Miyabi reporting what had happened to their sensei.

Rin: So White Heart was there. That's good to know.

 That's good to know

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Miyabi: It's sounding you knew she was going to be there.

Rin: Well, considering what had happened when she made her debut, she fought evil Shinobi. It could mean that she plans to get rid of corruption and/or evil Shinobi.

Murasaki: But then... What should we do... If we run into her again...?

Rin: It's hard to say, and based on what you've said, White Heart has a combat advantage, as it seems she might not need to use a scroll in order to unleash her own powerful attacks.

Hebijo Girls: What?!

Ryobi: How in the actual hell are we supposed to beat that?!

Ryona: I don't know, *moans* but I would love to have her freeze me solid like she did to us before~.

Ryobi turns to face her perverted twin, and sees that she's tied herself up.


Ryona: Sorry, but ever since I learned how to tie myself up, I can't help it!

Ryobi: Damn it! You dumb bitch! You never fucking learn!

Ryobi then starts to spank Ryona, which does give her please, due to her perversions.

Ryobi then starts to spank Ryona, which does give her please, due to her perversions

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Muraraka: Um... Maybe we could try and follow her... after she completes a task of her own... We could find her true name that way...

Imu: *gasps* But would that even work?

Rin: It could. But we don't know if she'll notice you.

Miyabi: Still, it's better than trying to fight her and get that information out of here! Good idea, Murasaki.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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