I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul

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Warnings! Major Injuries, Ranboo is sad

Just lemme know if I need to add something to the warnings. The title is from the song 'I love you so' by The Walters


Technoblade was now pacing the floor of his living room as Ranboo sat on the couch with Phil sat in front of him, examining his cracked pearl with Edward having over and giving a small warning warble whenever Phil gets a bit too close. Originally Phil wasn't going to be called but Techno felt that this was something too serious with things he just didn't understand, especially with him not really understanding Edward, he just felt like he was in over his head with this to tackle this alone, which was honestly completely understandable.

He spoke up, gruff and while sounding calm--his body language was anything but, "Ok so..I..I hear you all but this is..a lot for the middle of the night."

Phil rolled his eyes scoffing softly as he shuffled his slightly puffed up wings which gave away the fact that he was also stressed and trying to hide it, "You've experienced more shocking things at midnight."

Techno scoffed as he gestured to Ranboo, who only looked at him with a blank look while nervousness and guilt bubbling inside of him and completely unable to show it, "Yeah well I never had to deal with an enderman dying like this!"

Edward gave a defensive hiss as Techno who raised his hands in defense, "Sorry Edward but it's true! I...I've seen a fair share of endermen killed and..and I've never seen one break like this."

Edward warbled impatiently and somewhat bitterly, "Because they either completely shatter or were used and degraded as a means of a single item for transportation."

Ranboo gave an eyebrow at Edward, curiosity and shame burrowing deep inside him, "Never knew you felt so strongly about that."

Edward looked at him before speaking again, less bitterly and more calm, "I feel strongly about this because overworlders act as if they are faultless in their crimes. Villagers hoard pearls as mere tools and not that they are holding a soul. The Winged one and Hellish one gain pearls by buying from hoarders and trade but that does not mean they have not killed before."

Ranboo nodded as Phil and Technoblade looked at him expectedly, he glanced at them--anxiety curling within him as he met their eyes, then hatred not at them but at himself for being like this, "What?"

Phil gave him a look that clearly showed his exasperation with the situation, "What did he say? Mate, I can only pick out a few words and bits but that was a lot. I'm rusty."

Ranboo hummed as he explained--his nerves flaring and wanting to do something but his body completely still--the world still static, "Well he was saying how pearls upon death of an endermen either shatter completely or remain whole, from what you've seen because you guys kinda see them as a means of an item for faster transportation." This got a small wince from both men in the room, having killed their fair share of endermen, "And then he explained that people from the overworld act as if they've done nothing when villagers horde and trade for pearls on the regular and have no regard for how that pearls are an enderman's soul."

This made them wince once more,guilt swirling in Ranboo's gut. Technoblade spoke up, hesitant and unsure if he should in fact speak, "So should we stop using them?"

Ranboo glanced at Edward, who spoke with patience and understanding with him, giving Techno and Phil a bit of a look "If they are already being sold buy them in short quantities and never hoard them. Treat every single one as you are using and releasing one's soul."

Ranboo relayed Edwards message to Techno and Phil, both of them nodding before Techno sighed, getting on the floor next to Phil who was examining Ranboo's pearl. His pearl was split, a deep gash on the front, going about the center. Splintering off from that large gash was cracks of different sizes and varieties. Ironically, the sight was beautiful, like looking off into the recesses of space and the whispers and tales of the Void echoing in their mind and feeling so familiar to Phil, but he just figured he just misses Her.

An Enigma Of Love And Life (A DreamSMP Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن