2 - friends

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seungmin frowned. "didn't you say you weren't new to korea?"

yuna struggled to find an excuse. beads of sweat formed on her face. "fine, i'll be honest with you. i'm new to korea in general. the last time i came here was when i was 3 & 7. now i'm coming staying here for a year and then leaving."

"i didn't need your life story, but ok." seungmin opened the door wider indicating that she should come in. yuna took a step inside the apartment, which smelled of roses and lavender.

seungwoo rolled his eyes at her. "why is she coming in?" he groaned, leaning back in his chair. he had his feet up on the dining table which yuna thought was totally unsanitary.

"be nice to our new neighbor," seungmin demanded in a stern tone. seungwoo rolled his eyes yet again and put his feet down the table. he approached her and inspected her.

"you look mean."

"do i? i've never gotten that."

seungmin groaned loudly. "seungwoo, you need to stop leaving your dirty laundry on your bedroom floor!" he shouted from another room. he stomped out with pajama pants in his hands, touching them with the tips of his fingers in disgust.

"not in front of our neighbor!" seungwoo snatched the pajama pants from seungmin and shoved them into the washer. "ya happy?" he teased.

seungmin briefly apologized to her and yuna concluded that it would be time to go. but then she realized that she didn't ask what seungmin did for a living.

right as seungmin was about to shut the door, she stopped it with her foot. she had to admit, it hurt.

"i forgot to ask what your job was." yuna said.

seungmin looked around nervously. "i work at a convenience store."

yuna didn't know whether he was lying or not, but she was his new friend. he wouldn't lie to her.

she shrugged it off and returned to her boring apartment room. this was her new life.


the next morning

the beautiful and totally pleasant sound of construction workers building things gracefully woke yuna up. she had looked to the side and was expecting her phone to be on her nightstand, but she then realized that her phone was annihilated by crazy fans.

her phone still functioned, but it was extremely laggy. she texted her mother, asking for some money to buy a new phone.


hey umma i kinda broke my phone..
can you give me money to buy a new one pls?


why don't you give working a try?

i'm still a student. pleeeaaaseee
this money can be my birthday and christmas present?


fine but don't expect things for holidays. although i am proud of you for studying. how is your apartment?

i met my neighbors. they're pretty nice.
one of them is cute, actually.


don't go falling in love, now. or else you'll end up like me.

you're calling me a mistake?!


stop accusing me of things i didn't say. anyway, i will transfer you the money in a bit. i love you


yuna had left her mother on read. she kept her phone on her nightstand and began to make breakfast. a loud knock had occurred on the door, so she ran to open it.

hoping to see seungmin, she found a beaming seungwoo at the door. "i smell food. make some for me." seungwoo invited himself in and sat down into a run-down chair.

"you HAVE to decorate this." he said, peeling the old paint off of the table.

"i have to pay for bills and this dirty apartment." yuna said while the eggs were sizzling in her pan. the aroma of cooked food spread around the room.

"then get a job, lazy." seungwoo shot back.

that's exactly what umma said but yuna didn't want to overwork herself. but she couldn't expect people to give her money the rest of her life.

"is seungmin around?" yuna inquired, sliding the fried egg onto a plate.

seungwoo hesitated to answer. "he's...at work."

yuna wondered why it took a bit for seungwoo to answer. wait, did seungmin have a girlfriend? however, she couldn't fall for some guy she met yesterday night.

she gently set the brittle plates on the table in front of seungwoo. "feast up." she smiled, returning back to the stove to make one for her.

as she cooked, seungwoo called someone on his phone. something that yuna didn't have right now.

"they're delaying the show?" seungwoo asked over the phone in a stressed tone. seungwoo groaned loudly, facepalming himself.

"tell felix to bring brownies. i'm hungry." seungwoo said before hanging up the phone. he set his phone upside down onto the table and tidied his posture.

"anything interesting in your life, yuna?" he said as she waited for the uncooked egg to cook.

yuna thought long and hard about this question. "i'm into someone..." she continued, her voice going higher as she said it.

"you just got here!" seungwoo shouted irritatedly.

yuna rolled her eyes. "have you ever heard of love at first sight?!" yuna shot back at him with a nasty glare.

seungwoo tossed the dirty plate in the sink without even a thought about washing it and exited the apartment room.

yuna stood there, dumbfounded. "where are his manners?" she mumbled to herself, washing the dish instead.

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