What's Next, Kakashi?

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Upon returning to the original world, the reanimation jutsus were withdrawn and Naruto had his final words with Minato before he disappeared. The only thing left to do was free everyone from the chakra tree.

However, the peace was quickly disturbed by Sasuke trapping all of the tailed beasts in a Planetary Devastation.

"Wait, Sasuke!" Kakashi shouted, falling down in the process.

"Sensei!" Sakura cried out, with concern in her voice.

"You okay, Kakashi?" Obito questioned, holding him up so he could see the events occurring.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I appreciate the help, Obito." He turned his eyes to him and smiled beneath his mask, for a brief moment, he made him feel as if his troubles subsided. The peace was quickly cut short from the conflict, though.

The two boys ran to the statues of Madara and Hashirama to begin their battle. Sakura, Kakashi, and Obito all rested on edge and high with anxiety over what may occur back on the original battlefield.

"It's almost time," Hagoromo informed.

Suddenly, explosions could be heard from afar. Kakashi was able to sense Naruto's Nine Tails chakra and Sasuke's Susanoo. Then, there was a very large explosion that was louder than anything they've ever heard. The two chakras dispersed. Silence was the only thing left afterwards.

"Let's head over there now," Kakashi spoke, in a nervous manner. Obito and Sakura agreed, making their way over to the statues. Since the silver-haired man was pretty wounded, he had to use Obito as support to get over there. The Uchiha teased him along the way, making small comments like, "So the picture perfect shinobi can't even stand by himself now? Who would've thought," followed by him scoffing and giving him a light kiss on the forehead. Kakashi sighed and closed his eyes in defeat, accepting his mockery.

Sakura glanced back at the two, noticing their closeness to one another. She shrugged it off and just seen it as how Kakashi would act around an old friend, though she had a slight suspicion of their relationship. She was always the type to be able to point out love when she saw it before anyone else. She was very sharp in that sense. The group eventually made their way to their destination, but she felt she had to ask the men something to confirm her thoughts.

"Kakashi, Obito, there's something I would like to talk to you both about after we take care of these two."

"Hmm? Alright." Kakashi didn't think much of it. He figured it probably had to do with Sasuke or something.

After the short interaction, Sakura jumped down the ravine dividing the two statues, immediately noticing Naruto and Sasuke laying down next to each other. She began her healing process, and afterwards the younger Uchiha came to his senses and released everyone from the chakra tree using his Rinnegan. Finally, things were officially over. The war ended, and now the only thing left for Team 7 and Obito to do was go back to Konoha.

-Timeskip to when things in Konoha began to settle back to normal-

Obito had moved in with Kakashi since he had requested it from Tsunade through intense pleading, he really did not want his lover to go to jail. She partially gave him a more difficult time because she just wanted to see how hard the silver-haired man would try for him. It entertained her, to say the least.

"We should appreciate this time while we can, Kashi. You're going to be Hokage soon," Obito hummed, sitting on the edge of his boyfriend's bed.

"Yeah, yeah... I know. I really don't want to do it, but I suppose it would be selfish of me to refuse. I'd much rather be in the comfort of my home with you, though." He sighed, then reached for his lover to pull him next to him in the bed. The Hatake pulled down his mask, and began to plant kisses all over his lover's face, along with each scar that covered the side of it, knowing that his sudden actions would make Obito turn as red as his Sharingan.

"Suddenly affectionate from the realization?" He asked, with a very flustered and interested tone.

"Mmm, maybe. Do you want me to stop?" He teased, knowing Obito would get even more embarrassed over admitting that he enjoyed it.

Before he could answer, a knock disrupted their alone time and caused the two of them to jump up. Kakashi lazily got out of his bed, annoyed at the sudden disruption. After a few minutes, he opened the door and was surprised to see Sakura.

"Hey Kakashi! Hey Obito!" The young woman greeted, holding a present in hand.

"I made you a little something, Kakashi. Think of it as a congratulations gift for becoming Hokage," She grinned, cheerily.

"O-oh, thank you, Sakura," he accepted the gift, feeling a bit awkward over the sudden formality between him and his former student.

"That's not the only thing I came here to talk about, though. Remember how I said I wanted to ask you and Obito about something back when we went to find Naruto and Sasuke?"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that," The Hatake let out an embarrassed laugh, feeling careless by his forgetfulness. The Uchiha perked up, remembering her curiosity.

"Come on in, we can sit down and talk about it. Would you like any tea?" Kakashi asked, gesturing his way for Sakura to pass him.

"I'm alright, thank you for offering, though. This won't take long to talk about. It's just a hunch that I had gotten ever since we discovered Obito to be the masked man in the war."

The recollection made Obito's eyes fall down with sadness and humiliation over his actions. Kakashi noticed, and went over to rub his back in comfort.

"What is it, Sakura?" He wanted to quickly get this over with, knowing that the conversation is causing discomfort to his boyfriend.

"Well, you just kind of treat Obito a bit different than the rest of everyone else. It led me to kind of piece together something. Maybe it's far-fetched and I'm just overlooking this all, and I'm not trying to intrude on anything, but... Are you two a couple?" Her eyes squinted, and she leaned a bit closer to the men, curiosity written all over her face.

Kakashi and Obito looked at each other, knowing that someone would eventually find out. They both sighed, and awkwardly turned to Sakura. A moment of silence filled the room.

"...Well, yes. We are. I don't really know how to explain it, it just kind of happened when we talked again. I just couldn't contain my feeli-"

"You don't have to explain it, Kakashi Sensei. Love is love, and if you two are happy then that's all that matters. You needed this more than anything. I'm glad you finally found that special person for you, and I'm glad it could be Obito since you both know each other better than anyone."

Obito perked up, eyes widening over Sakura's acceptance, Kakashi having the same reaction.

"Sakura... Thank you. We honestly didn't know if we should tell anyone. I think that'll change soon enough, now. It's all thanks to you."

"Oh, don't worry! Everyone already kind of assumed it," She giggled, one hand covering her mouth.

The two men turned to each other, nervously laughing over their unawareness.

"Well, I have to go check on Naruto and Sasuke back at the hospital. Thank you for talking to me about this. I'll see you lovebirds later!" She sat up, opened the door, and quickly headed out, leaving the two men back to their special time alone.

"Everyone already knows, huh..." Obito thought aloud, a slight smile curved into his lips.

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