The Reunion

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"Who... Are you?!" Naruto shouts, his resengan breaking the mystery man's mask.

"Y-you're...-" A bead of sweat trickles down Kakashi's pale face.

"Obito, Is that really you?" Guy's mouth dropped open from disbelief.

"There's no mistake. That's Obito Uchiha," Kakashi clarified to himself.  Panic filled the silver haired man's face. Denial, sadness, and overall, shock, infested him right there on the spot. Obito activated his kamui whilst speaking how the name no longer means anything to him. Through words of determination and temporary distraction, Naruto and Guy were able to motivate Kakashi to once again, get his head in the game. That would only get him so far, though.

"If I could've just protected Rin better..." His mind repeated, tormenting him through his attempts of remaining focused. Madara had been re-summoned, occupied by battling Naruto, leaving Obito to Kakashi. To avoid interfering, Obito brought Kakashi to the kamui dimension in a matter of minutes.

"I really am trash..." His back against the light blue floor, still in disbelief over every event that occurred. He took the words Obito told him to heart.

Despite the circumstances, he seen this one on one battle as an opportunity to get through to him. To tell him his true feelings, how perhaps he seen him more than a rival, more than a best friend. Kakashi always did deeply appreciate Obito, even though he never expressed that when they were young. Now seems like the time he'll need to hear it more than anything, as he can sense that Obito could potentially be redeemed.

Shortly after he finalized his thoughts, a swirl altered the still, timeless air. It appeared before him, followed by Obito himself. Kakashi took a deep breath, and sighed.

"Here we go..." He thought to himself, charging at his former best friend as he charged at him. They exchanged fists, Kakashi used his chidori, sending the two back and apart from each other.

"Enough of these games, Obito. I'm over it now. No more genjutsu. It looks to me that I can't find anything that will change you." He paused for a minute, reconsidering his statement.

"...But, there is one thing that I have left to say."

"I can give you death, but, I just can't do that without telling you how I truly feel, Obito."

"Do feelings truly matter in the heat of this moment, Kakashi? You're interfering with my plans, so I shall too, give you death." He took a few steps forward, then paused in his tracks as he heard Kakashi speak up.

"Just wait a minute. It won't take long, it's only three words."

Kakashi's gaze pierced right through his old friend, with an expression of honesty and no shame. He muttered quietly, yet clear enough for him to hear the unexpected phrase:

"...I love you, Obito."

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