Chapter Eight:

Beginne am Anfang

His hand slipped further down, cuffing her ass through her shorts. She moaned; eyes closed. Her hand slid over his head, through his short hair. The power of their sins radiated around them, pulsating toward Gluttony and me.

Wrath and Lust together were dangerous. Was this how they fueled each other? Angry sex?

"There's still a chance, they're distracted." Gluttony stepped back, looking at me again.

I licked my lip. "Does he only take a minute?"

"Octavio," Gluttony hissed, "does it matter? It isn't like you'll stand here and watch them."

"He can watch if he wants." Our heads shot up at the sound of Lust's voice. The Sin switched his focus in our direction but hadn't moved his hands from Wrath's body. Still gripping her legs so she couldn't move, he grinned. He flicked his tongue over his lip. "I like when people watch."

My stomach flipped. It wasn't just that they'd planned to kill me for ignoring my mission; it was their lustful infatuation with each other. Out here. In the open. Were Gluttony and I supposed to stay and watch?

You could've run. He gave you a chance. And you didn't take it. AGAIN.

I tilted my head, biting my lip. The voices were louder that time. The words hissed in my head, burning my ears. I squeezed my eyes and wished them away. There was too much going on for me to listen to the belittling.

Do you want to add this to your list of regrets, Octavio? You were growing so well before today.

"Shut up," I whispered.

Gluttony shifted closer. "What?"

Perhaps you should've left this realm when Priscilla did. It would've saved you both.

I sidestepped, covering one ear. Living with the voices, the thoughts had become normal, even when they were vile and degraded me. For days they'd been nice. Whispering in my ear to keep looking for the Seven, to reclaim my seat as Envy. But to whisper in my ear until it burned? To not hurt me mentally, but physically?

Death by a Sin, even when you are a Sin, is worse than Hell.

"Stop." I cupped both of my ears and hissed. "Stop it."

"Octavio." Gluttony grabbed my shoulders. "Who are you talking to?"

With a pull, he turned me, so I looked up into his eyes. They were their mortal color, glistening with concern. Gently shaking me, his face came closer. "They're not thoughts, are they?" he whispered. "How long have you heard them?"

We were about to die—no, I was about to die—and he was concerned about my mental health. How could I tell him that the voices had always been with me, since before I joined the Seven, shifting and blending when Priscilla's love came into my life? It was a long story if he wanted to hear it. And if I survived, we'd have a wonderful conversation over tea. Or whiskey.

"Tell me. For how long?" His eyes slid over me. "How long has this happened?"

"Oh, does it matter?" Lust called out to us. "He's insane, and it's obvious, but he'll die anyway."

Octavio, he's right. You tried. Now let go.

Still holding my ears, I turned back at Lust and Wrath as they slowly peeled away from each other. The second Wrath's feet returned to the ground; her eyes returned to black. Lust's did, too.

I slid my hands away from my face. My heart hammered in my chest.

Don't be afraid.

Wrath rolled one arm back while she flexed one hand. The shiny weapons on the tips of her fingers glistened again in the night. She took a step toward me. "He has to be insane to ruin my night," she growled.

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