{Chapter 14}

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"The news broke her heart, like knives digging and needles peircing."

{S Y E D A}

I stroll inside my home, expecting at least one person to answer to my Salaam.

"Assalamualykum!" i say in a loud voice, it's a habit i had ever since i was little, to say salaam even if the house is practically empty.

Of course, the house having absolutely nobody, i didn't hear a 'wa'laykumusalam'.

I don't think much of it because it's kind of normal.

I go into my room, plop my bag on the floor and shrug my coat off.

I take out the wet bag, untying the knot, revealing wrinkly, soaked up clothes.

Going downstairs with the bag in my hand, i enter the kitchen and dump the clothes into the washing basket. That's one good thing why nobody is here because nobody is going to question me.

I go back upstairs, take out an oversized hoodie, which goes past my knees and the arms are basically a penguin's, with leggings and go into the bathroom to take a shower.

My abdomen and jaw are throbbing so bad, i think a nice cold shower will at least soothen the swelling a bit.

~10 minutes later~

I come out of the bathroom, trying to ruffing every strand of my long and thick hair with a towel and let me tell you, it ain't working.

I take out the first aid box from underneath my bed, unlatching it open to expose anti-septics, bandages, plasters and basically first aid stuff.

I inspect the bruise on my jaw, which has now kind of turned purple now, and apply medicine on it. I then also medicine to the bruise on my stomach.

I take a look at the tiny cut on my lip, its practically unnoticale because now my nose is touching the mirror just to see it.

I take out a prayer mat and spread it onto a space on the floor, facing the Qiblah.

Time to pray my Magrib

~After praying~

I neatly fold the prayer mat and place it in its allocated space in the room, i take out my laptop to complete my homework.

I need to write an essay on rainforests for my geography homework.

Uhh...so much work.

~Half way through typing~

Looking at the time, i realise it's around 4:30 and nobody has still come back yet. Like, it was only yesterday that the clock went back an hour.

I start to begin to worry;

What if something happened to them?

Yeah totally, EVERYONE.

I flip out my phone, going onto whatsapp, scrolling through my contacts.

My mums name comes first, so it tap call on her name.

The call carries on ringing but my mum doesn't answered.

Its okay, nothing has happened.

We just need one human to answer and everything will come out.

My dads name comes next, so i tap on his name.

Again, no answer

Don't panick you still have three humans to call.

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