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please don't be a ghost reader i need ideas and feedback, but it's fine😭🙏🏽

I lie down in my bed and cover myself with my covers. I'm too tired, today has taken all my energy. I do feel bad for hitting dd but why forcefully push me over food? I know we are both in the wrong but the reaction was unexpected from him.

I hear footsteps and chattering coming from the other side of my room. Ignoring it, i dip my head a bit lower so only the top of my head is seen. The door opens and closes, and i pretend to sleep.

"Wake up bro" If i was really sleeping do they seriously think that's going to wake me up? The person strides over and i can feel that they are leaning over me.

I try my best but i can't hold it in—i start laughing. "What do you want?" I say turning around and see that dd is standing over me.

"Oh, what do you want" I turn around again and cover myself up. "You still mad?" i can hear his footsteps walking over to the other side of the room, i think he's sitting on my vanity chair.

Sighing heavily, I remove the covers and prop up on my bed and see that he is actually sitting on my vanity chair. "Yeah i guess, but it was kind of my fault," i look around the room "But the reaction was unexpected" Dd starts smiling then looks away turning around in the chair "Are you seriously laughing? That push hurt so bad"

"So did that slap" This time i start smiling then break into laughing. "I'm sorry" i say in between laughs. Dd turns around in the chair and i see that he's laughing too.

After a couple minutes of going into a laughing fit dd says something that makes me snap my head to face him "Noti got you sitting on top of me in the recording" I get off the bed and stare at him "He what?!"

I dash out the room and go look for noti, why would he take a video of that? i was angry and he thinks it's okay to pull stuff like that, that's just embarrassing if he uploads it. I don't want to be named 'the crazy girl that sat on dd osama'

"Noti, where are you?" i look around his room and find that he's not in here so i check other rooms. After 5 minutes of looking around i find him in the editing room. "Noti?" i ask, hes sitting next to zemora talking with her. I smile-- "Noti have you finished recording?" he looks up at me and nods looking back at zemora.

"Noti;" I sit on the chair opposite him "Dd said you recorded me hitting him, whilst i was on top him" This makes him look back at me. Zemora looks at me and smirks tucking a piece of her braid behind her ear. "Aww, that's cute;" she says, smiling. "Did you both like it?"

I gasp and blankly stare at her. Noti also looking at her like shes crazy. "Zemora don't say sh*t like that;" noti looks at me and smiles "she's still a little kid" I now crank my head to noti rolling my eyes "I'm not a little kid! I'm very mature;" i answer back, now standing up.

"I came in here to ask if you recorded me sitting on dd, it sounds so weird now that i'm thinking about it" i walk over to the door because this boy is not talking, i look back and see that zemora is now looking at her phone and noti is watching her. I cough — "Noti, did you?"

He looks at me and smiles "Yes n*gga and i've already sent it off to be edited jay, go to sleep or something it's late" i roll my eyes at him. Great, now that's embarrassing. "Goodnight guys" i open the door and i hear them both saying goodnight back.

I walk to my door and see that dd is still in there but this time he's changed and has his phone. "You planning to live in this room or something?" he looks up at me looks me over before glueing his eyes back to his phone. "Oh ok, so we going to choose to ignore me? cool"

I go to the bathroom and do my business and night routine before changing into my pajamas in there too. I walk out and prop myself on the bed to scroll through social media. I haven't really been social so let me see what's been going on.

I go to instagram and see the same old stuff, so i ignore it. I go to tiktok scroll for a second before checking my notifications. I tap on the inbox icon and see that i'm being flooded with tags emojis and other comments. "What the f*ck!" i scream, nearly dropping my phone. Dd looks up at me and walks over "The f*ck you screaming for n*gga?"

I show him the video and the comments and he starts laughing. "This isn't funny dd! What the actual hell!" Someone has made an edit of me and dd together. The first clip of me dancing and looking at him, second part of me and dd looking at eachother in the eyes.

This whole edit has made everything turn out to what didn't happen. I literally don't even remember looking at him for more then 2 seconds. "Why you looking at me like you wanna kiss me n*gga?" I grab my phone away from him. "I never! I looked at you because you ruined my video, they've made it turn out to something that didn't happen"

I look at the caption @osamabrotherss - they are so cute👀

I fall back in my bed and cover my face dd sighs and scratches the back of his head "You'll get used to it" I look at him and see that he's already staring at me and i look away back at the ceiling. "What do you mean? You saying your used to this stuff?"

"Yeah, happens all the time with interviews and youtube videos i'm in;" he walks over to the door "I'm going to go play some playstation with ddot, goodnight n*gga"

I laugh "Weird way to show affection dd, but goodnight" he smiles and leaves the room.

Damn that boys smile is nice.


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