No wristbands required

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"Oh my gosh! Boss, boss!! We got a problem!" One of the workers yelled, running up to Zevon "What is it?" "The remote shorted out and now the detonation time's running!" The worker said frantically "Well shut it off!" "I can't!!" "No, no, no!" Zevon tasked as he ran towards Seabrook Power. My eyes widened and I ran after him and the other workers

But it was too late. The bombs were detonated, and the building came down "What have they done?" Willa and the rest of the pack stared in in horror as our last hope at finding the moonstone was crushed. All at once the wolves started coughing and becoming weak "What's going on?" I asked, kneeling down in front of them "The Moonstone, its losing power. If we don't save it soon..." Willa stopped talking "We'll die" Wyatt finished as he stopped coughing. Zed kneeled down beside me and I shook my head at him, ordering all the wolves to follow me back to the den so we could keep them comfy as Me, Willa, and Wyatt discuss a plan

I found some pillows and blankets around and was running around, making sure everyone was comfortable and alright. Wynter was with the pups, telling them stories and trying to make sure they were staying light hearted in this dark time. Wyatt was kneeled down with a young wolf boy named William, giving him some soup as Willa handed a blanket to Winnie, who was sitting there shivering. I kneeled down with Wynter, asking all the pups if they were alright to which they all nodded

I smiled at them and stood up, coming face to face with a guilty looking Zed. I sighed and went to do something else but he grabbed my wrist, making me face him, Wyatt and Willa beside me "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power" Zed said, making me roll my eyes "And...I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right to fight for who you are" "Yeah but what are we now, Zombie?" Wyatt growled

"You're fierce, proud werewolves!" Zed encouraged "Yeah? They think we're monsters" Willa told him "We are monsters" Zed smiled, making me smile back at him as the sibling wolves looked at each other, confused "So are we gonna crash Prawn or what?" I raised my fist as my eyes glowed yellow. Zed and Wyatt both stared at me in awe, still not used to seeing me as a werewolf "Lets do it!" Willa grinned as she ran to gather other werewolves and tell them

"Zed, you go gather the zombies and we will meet at the entrance to the forbidden forest, ok?" I asked. He nodded and took off as I turned to Wyatt "I don't have a dress" I frowned "I think we have something that will work" He smirked at he ran off

Time skip to them meeting

Reese's Outfit ^^^^^^
We all walked over in a pack towards the Prawn, proud smirks on our faces at Bucky's disgusted look "You guys can't be here, there are laws against this" Bucky glared at us "Bad laws are meant to be broken" I crossed my arms "And monsters don't follow the rules" Zed added, giving me a fist bump "Zombies are a part of Seabrook, Bucky. We deserve to be here" Eliza told him

"We're a part of Seabrook too" Wyatt smiled, flashing his yellow eyes at Bucky "The originals in fact" Bucky glanced behind him at the Z-alarm, saying "Someone's gotta stop you" Before Willa jumped at him, showing her fangs and growling, making him scream "Welcome to Prawn" He mumbled as he walked in. Willa began to cough and Wyatt ran over to her, rubbing her back before walking in, everyone else following behind

I immediately went over to Addison who was talking to some of the other cheerleaders "Omg!!! Reese you look beautiful!!" She squealed "Thank you Addie! You do too!!" I smiled back at her. She eyed something behind me and smirked "It seems I'm not the only one who thinks you look beautiful" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, turning around to see both Zed and Wyatt standing next to each other, staring at me. Addie shoved me forward so I walked over to the two of them

I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, not knowing where to start this conversation "You both-" "Me and Wyatt" Zed and I began at the same time, making the three of us laugh "You first" I pointed at Zed "Wyatt and I talked it out and turns out we both really like like you" My face turned bright red "Both of you?" I asked, to which they nodded "I hope you aren't gonna make me choose, because I can't-" "No no no, we don't want to put that extra pressure on you, pup" Wyatt cut me off "As Zed said, we discussed it and decided...if it was ok with you of course, we decided that maybe we could both have you? As a girlfriend I mean" His face was red and I was shocked

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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