The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear

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Y'all can just imagine whatever kind of outfit she wears after cheer practice, I'm too lazy make one

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and saw a text from Addison asking where I was because we had to run cheer practice soon. I gasped and took off towards the school so I could change into my cheer outfit. I finally ran over to Addie and she blew her whistle, making everyone line up "We are so fired up to be running cheer practice" She squealed "Together we can do anything"

Bree pointed behind us, making us turn around, seeing the werewolves all gathered on the bleachers, watching us. I stepped forward, crossing my arms "Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only" I smirked, making Wynter stand up "Ha! Just try and get us to leave" Wyatt stood up "Wynter" He warned "Some respect?" I shook my head "No, I don't want you to leave, I want you to stay" I smiled "Show us what you can do" Addison nodded "The cheer team is for everyone"

"Five, six, seven, eight!" I yelled as Addie started the music. We all started doing our cheer routine, the werewolves watching, then doing their version of what we were doing. Wyatt stood beside me, eyeing me before mirroring my moves, then he grabbed my wrist, crawling under my arm then looking up at me as if waiting for approval for what he did. I smiled and nodded at him as we all circled up and put our hands in for a 'go team!!' kind of thing, and they all howled when we did

Wyatt then gave me a double high five before I went over and did a front flip with the werewolves. Me and Addie then went to the middle where we both got lifted upwards before being thrown and caught. It was all a big rush in my brain seeing the wolves and the humans work together that I hadn't realized that Wyatt had been the one to catch me. I looked to the side to see how close our faces were since he was holding me bridal style. I felt sparks run through my body as his eyes turned yellow and I blushed hard

Wyatt gently sat me on the floor before pulling me into a hug, and we laughed together "That was so amazing, you guys are all natural cheerleaders" I told the wolves "We wolves work well together" Wyatt told me. I tilted my head "But I'm not a wolf" He smirked and hummed in response. What the heck is he going on about....?

I got snapped out of my thoughts when I heard coughing, and ran over to where Wynter was, trying to help her. I made one of the cheerleaders go get her some water, and I made sure she was ok. When she stopped coughing I helped her up, asking if she was good, to which, she nodded and thanked me. Bucky walked over, clapping "Well done Addison. With werewolves on cheer, this election is so in the bag" "Bucky, this is not about politics, I just always felt that cheer could unite" Addison told him "You're going to make a great cheer captain" Bucky told her "I'm gonna be cheer captain!!" Addison yelled, making me frown as I stepped aside with Bucky

"What about me?" I asked "What about you?" He rolled his eyes "You're not...cheer captain material. You're just barely cheer material" He told me before walking away. I know I said I might not have wanted to be cheer captain, but it still would've been cool to have the chance. Instead Bucky had insulted me, making me rub my arm nervously. Wyatt seemed to hear our conversation and walked over to me, gently taking a hold of my hand "You are a leader, Reese. But of something a lot greater than cheer" I stared up at him, feeling the sparks again as his eyes glowed

I glanced to the side, and saw Zed standing at the door with a look I'd never seen on him before "Could you excuse me for a minute?" I asked Wyatt, who nodded and I ran over to Zed who began to walk away, seeing me coming "Zed!" I called out, making him stop in his tracks "What's wrong?" He sighed before turning around to look at me "Werewolves. They're not interested in fitting in"

"They're into cheer" I shrugged, not seeing what was wrong "No, they're into you, and you're into him-them" "What? What do you mean?" I was taken aback by his statement. It's not like he can tell me who I can or can't like. We aren't dating "You know how hard it was for zombies? Now werewolves are just having everything handed to them on a silver platter" Zed raised his voice "Why does that matter?" "I'm trying to win an election for my people, for you, so we can go to Prawn, so we can be accepted" He told me

I scoffed at him, pointing to one of his signs on the wall "That's not being accepted. That's being afraid to show who you really are" He looked at his poster and then turned to me "Says the girl who wore a wig and changed her personality to fit in with this town for her whole life" He snapped, making me flinch. His eyes softened as they watched me, realizing what he said "Yeah, you're right. I did. Because I've always felt like an outsider. And even now, letting my actual personality show its face with the zombies and werewolves, I still do. You know I don't have a place here! I don't have a zombie crew! I don't know who I am! So excuse me for respecting a pack of werewolves who are proud of who they are" I yelled, tears welling up in my eyes as I jabbed a finger into his chest

He looked down at me, taking in what I had said before I ran to the locker rooms so I could change and leave as fast as I could. I walked down the hallways where everyone was talking too their friends "How do people make it look easy? Are they happy or just good at deceiving? I just want a bit of that feeling for my self" I wiped a tear from my eye as I watched the cheer squad pamper their selves "I don't put the pressure of soulmates. I just need somebody who knows me, cause every now and then I admit I need a little bit of help. I don't feel like I belong anywhere where where where" I sung as I walked towards my house "Why do things keep going wrong, how do I get out of here? The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear. I gotta find where I belong. Ah-ah"

Over in Zombietown Zed started singing "I wish that I could feel you do sometimes, you're stuck on the outside with nowhere to run and hide. I tried to stop the hurt, but I think I just made it worse, I don't know how to heal all the pain you hide. I wish that I could make a change instead of making mistakes. Trying to hold you up, instead I'm the one making you pay. Just want to understand, but every time I can't, and I don't know why" He sang, staring at his reflection through glass (I know those aren't the real words, I just sometimes like to change songs to make them appeal more to my books)

"I don't feel like I belong anywhere where where where. Why do things keep going wrong, how do I get out of here? The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear. I gotta find where I belong. Ah-ah" I walked inside my house where my aunt was sleeping on the couch "Everywhere I go, I don't feel like home, I want to tell someone, but no one will know, guess I have to leave to finally see if there's someone out there and they're just like me then I'll go, yeah I'll go" I threw my cheer bow into the bin, wiping my tears

"I don't feel like I belong anywhere where where where." "How did I get this so wrong to leave us right here here here" Zed sang, piecing our letters from camp back together "The more I cover up my flaws, the more they appear. I gotta find where I belong. Ah-ah" I sat on my porch, hugging my knees as tears flowed from my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Wyatt with the werewolves and Addison gathered behind him "Hey pup, are you ok?" He whispered, wiping my tears. I cleared my throat and nodded, not wanting everyone too see that I had been crying, even though they probably already had seen it. "Hey, could you come with us?" Wyatt asked after I had calmed down a bit "Whats so important?" I tilted my head at him

"You are"

It only took me 5 hours but here ya go guys

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