This is how we're living our lives

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The pack of werewolves lead Addison and I through the forest, not telling us what was going on. Finally I stopped walking "Where are we going?" I asked, wanting an answer before we continued "Its a wolf secret, if we told you, we'd have to kill you" Wynter said, standing beside me. Wyatt and Willa gave her a look, making her eyes widen "Too much! Too much! I knew it! Welcome!" She gave us a big smile "By not too welcome" She growled, her eyes glowing before she started coughing, her necklace turning a sickly green color

"Are you ok?" I asked, gently patting her back "My necklace is losing its charge" She told me "Every day more and more of our pack becomes sick because their moonstones lose their power" Wyatt said "All of our elders are too sick to travel, which leaves-" "Which leaves taking care of the pack to us" Willa cut him off "To me" She walked over to Wynter and rubbed her back "You'll be fine Wynter, I promise. You'd better be right about this. We need to find the moonstone. Soon" She shot a look over to Wyatt before heading forward, Addison following behind

I stood still, scared for what was to come. Wyatt came over and gently grabbed my hand "Follow us Reese. Please. I know you're scared, but nothing bad will happen, I promise" He whispered, trying not to interrupt the sound of the woods. I took a deep breath before nodding and walking with him

I walked inside and gasped at the sight. This place is beautiful "The wolf den!" Wynter announced "Its ok to be impressed" I laughed at her statement then I shook my head in disbelief "This place, it-it's beautiful" Wyatt and Addison were howling as I stood and took in the sight. There were werewolf pups playing on the rocks, having the best time, while other werewolves were decorating the walls with art, and others were just sitting around and getting along with each other. I've never seen this much harmony before. Even Seabrook when we were 'Perfect', we always had tension that people knew was there, but never said anything

"Enough" Willa scoffed, snapping me out of my trance "That's not why we brought them here" I ran over to where they were standing "Yeah, why are we here exactly?" Addison asked, making Wyatt turn around and grab some kind of gem and hold it up. The gem casted a projection on the side of the den and my eyes widened "I believe you will lead us to the moonstone. I believe one of you is the Great Alpha. I believe you're werewolves!" Wyatt smiled at us as our eyes widened "What!?" I gasped.

He grabbed my hand and tugged me towards him as he began too walk up some stairs, Addison following behind "Turn up, explain our history. Pull back the veil of mystery. What's written on the cave is prophecy. The Great Alpha is our destiny. Show us the power of chemistry, lead us to the source of our energy. No one knows her identity, but she looks like you identically" He winked at me, before descending the stairs, leaving me and Addison up there

"This is how we're living our lives, living our lives, living our lives, yeah" He walked to the middle of all the werewolves, leading them in some kind of dance "Can you feel the call to the wild, call to the wild, call to the wild. We are the call, we are the call, we are the call to the wild" The pack sung, giving me chills. Addison had already walked down the stairs as I was still entranced by the pack "I see a real community, unique, but you have unity" I said, finally walking down the stairs, next to Addison as she spoke "You know who you're supposed to be, release to the rhythm, totally"

Wyatt smiled as one of the pups stood next to him "I feel the vibe when you're close to me, and you can feel it to- well hopefully. Now look up, and tell me what you really see" He did an adorable dance with the pup "A bunch of stray wolves, or a family?" He smiled as the wolves howled. They did a dance with bamboo, hopping in and around it "This is how we're living our lives, living our lives, living our lives, yeah can you feel the call to the wild, call to the wild, call to the wild" Suddenly Addie and I were shoved forward towards the bamboo, and we started doing the dance they were doing as Wyatt and the rest of the wolves cheered us on "We are the call, we are the call, we are the call to the wild. We are the call, we are the call" they lifted it up and Addie jumped over it, then I ducked under it, Wyatt holding out his hand and helping me up "We are the cal to the wild" He smiled brightly at me, standing incredibly close to me

"Hold up, before you do, let me interrupt. They're both cheerleaders, not alphas. You're in the den, but you'll need to earn my trust. Now show me what you got if you're one of us" Willa growled in our faces, leading half of the pack in a dance, before we led the other half, trying to one up her. She got in our faces and let out a loud howl, before Addie tried the same. I stepped forward and howled the loudest out of all of them, making the pack cheer and howl with me as Willa gave me a wolf hand shake. The pack lifted Addison up onto a pedestal as I stood on the ground beside her

"This is how we're living our lives, living our lives, living our lives, yeah can you feel the call to the wild, call to the wild, call to the wild" The wolves circled me as Addison fell back, and we were suddenly in wolf outfits, and I was lifted up onto the pedestal too (pretend she doesn't have the necklace, I forgot that I shouldn't have drawn it)

"This is how we're living our lives, living our lives, living our lives, yeah can you feel the call to the wild, call to the wild, call to the wild" The wolves circled me as Addison fell back, and we were suddenly in wolf outfits, and I was lifted...

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"We are the call, we are the call, we are the call to the wild. We are the call, we are the call, we are the call to the wild" We all sung as the song ended. Everyone howled as I laughed, checking out my new outfit as Wyatt cheered for us "Reese! Addison!" I heard a yell and turned to see Zed, who was holding his Z-band closed "Zed!?" Addison and I yelled. He hopped in front of us "Don't make me take this off, you don't want to see me zombie out" He snarled at the werewolves

One of he werewolves growled at him, making him drop his Z-band as dark veins appeared on his skin "Wolves!" Willa called out as Zed growled at everyone "Zed! Stop!" I yelled at him, looking up at his growling form. I reached up and touched his cheek, making him close his eyes, calming him down as Addison put his Z-band back on his wrist "Zed, we wanted to be here" I told him as the veins disappeared and he was able to think clearly

"What!?" He gave me a look of betrayal "But Addie, you texted help!" Bree pointed at her phone "I needed help with the chemistry homework, did you not see the beaker emoji?" Addison asked "Oh" Bree laughed awkwardly "I do now...By the way, I love your new looks" She smiled "They think we might be werewolves too" I told Zed "What? How?" Zed questioned "Maybe a grandparent" I shrugged "Our hair means something" Addison told him "This could be our pack" I nodded. Willa and Wyatt walked over to us with a box

"For centuries this has been set aside for the great alpha" Willa opened the box, revealing a beautiful necklace with a blue glowing stone in the middle. Addison gasped, stepping forward as I looked over her shoulder "A fully charged moonstone is priceless to us" Wyatt told us "If you're truly one of us, when you put it on you will be transformed into a werewolf. Part of our pack. Forever" Willa warned "What? No! Wait-" Zed interrupted "Can we think about it?" I asked

Willa looked over to Wyatt who gave her a look "For a day" Willa nodded, handing the box to Addison "Once you've joined us, you can lead us to the hidden moonstone" Wyatt told us "But they don't know where it is" Wynter furrowed her eyebrows. Suddenly the ground started to shake and Zed grabbed onto my waist, trying to help me keep steady as I felt Wyatt's gentle hand grasp my shoulder, attempting to keep balanced

We all gathered outside, looking over Seabrook, down at the demolition site. Bonzo said something and Zed nodded "Yeah, the explosion came from Seabrook power" "They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow" Addison said, looking at Wyatt and Willa "Seabrook power is the birthplace of zombies" Eliza told the werewolves "A little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy and bang!" Zed yelled, scaring Wynter, making her growl at him "Zombies"

"Nice story but it doesn't concern us" Willa rolled her eyes "Well maybe it does concern you Willa" I thought out loud "Seabrook power was fueled by a mysterious energy source, that could be your moonstone, right?" I looked over at her, hopefully "She found the moonstone" Wyatt smiled at Willa "She's amazing" I blushed at his words, looking up at Zed and seeing a look of pure jealousy "If she's" Wyatt whispered

"We'll see you both at school tomorrow" Willa told us "Ok, tomorrow. Big day" Addison smiled, leading us back inside the den

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