When in doubt, do the opposite

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I walked down the hall, Zed right beside me "It's so unfair that the anti-monster laws are in place. You guys didn't do anything!" I groaned, putting my hands over my face and sighing "Its not that big of a deal Reese" He tried to assure me. I shook my head "It is a big deal, because now you can't be my-" I stopped myself mid sentence, trying not to let him know that I liked him "Be your what?" He tilted his head in curiosity before Addison and Eliza interrupted

"Reese! Bucky said we get to run cheer practice tomorrow!" Addison squealed, making me smile before Lacey and Stacey pulled her away "We gotta find a way to get into the prawn" Zed said, knowing who he wanted to ask "We could crash it" Eliza suggested "I mean, we can't make the rules, but we can break em" I could practically see the lightbulb above Zed's head when Eliza said this "We can make the rules! We just need the right leader!!" Zed told us before grabbing us and running toward the auditorium

We shoved our way into the crowd as they all cheered for Bucky. Zed turned to look at me "I'm gonna run against Bucky for president but I need to one up his entrance, the question is, how?" He asked when suddenly he was shoved forward by Bonzo's instrument and he hit something which found him into the air, landing right on his face on the stage. He quickly shuffled to get get up, yelling "Zombie Strong!!!" I stared at the clumsy zombie wide eyed before bursting out into a giant fit of laughter, that I couldn't calm down from. Like literally what the hell just happened??

I must've zoned out because I heard Zed start yelling "Werewolves!!" I finally stopped laughing with a gasp as I was shoved sideways, all the ruckus making people freak out "Where's the moonstone, white hair?" One of them yelled at Addison "I think you've got the wrong person" She replied, terrified. I ran over to where Zed was and he shoved me behind him in a protective way. I peeked around him, seeing the same boy I met in the woods "Wolves! On my command!" The one who seemed to be in charge yelled, all of their eyes turned yellow and their teeth sharpened as they growled

The one I saw in the forest whispered something to the leader and she made them stand down "Sorry" She awkwardly laughed "We werewolves so admire your town and we just came here to...join your school" She said, hesitance in her voice "What???" Bucky yelled "They can't join our school!" "Technically the forbidden forest is within our school district" "So...Welcome to Seabrook!!" Addison said happily, giggling after being terrified just a second ago

I looked at the boy from the woods and he was staring at me, making me feel that clicking feeling once again. Zed grabbed my hand and led me away, knowing I was still shaken up from the woods, and seeing these werewolves isn't helping

The next day  
Addison, Bree, and I were all walking to school, the two of them discussing how me and Addie will be running cheer practice this afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited, its just that the werewolves will have free range of the school today, so I'm kind of nervous about that. I'm hoping to stick by Zed today, he knows about my anxiety. We came to a stop in front of Eliza and Zed who were handing out flyers telling people to vote Zed for president "Wassup your majesty?" I smirked, hiding my nervousness with goofiness "Just campaigning, peasant" He laughed, pretending to flip his hair

"Guys did you hear? Addie and Reese are running cheer practice this afternoon" Bree squealed. Zed elbowed me in the shoulder, seeing as he's wayyyy taller than me, and gave me a proud face "I wasn't told anything" "That's because it isn't that big of a deal" I blushed, looking down "Are you kidding!? Its huge!" Addie smiled "A huge chance to fail!" I heard a yell, looking over to see the Aceys glaring at us

Bree started going on this rant about how we would become captains when Bucky wins, and I cleared my throat, making her stop, giving a guilty look to Zed "Thanks Bree" he said, not sounding like he meant it "I mean, I would rather you be president than me be cheer captain" I told him honestly as Addie, Bree, and Eliza had walked away "What? Why? You're a cheerleader, isn't being captain the highest level of cheer rankings?" He asked

Ain't No Doubt About It (Zed And Wyatt x OC)Where stories live. Discover now