Fuck I forgot about Tristan

"H-he...W-what..WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?!" Tristan yelled as he pointed his finger at Keith, while my pup only smiled at him, finding amusement at Tristan's surprised look.

Jamie: Theo, focus, the unknown wolves are not far from here, I can feel them surrounding the house. My wolf informed causing me to nod as I grabbed Tristan by his shoulders.

Unlike Keith, Tristan is a lot more mature and can grasp the situation easily.

And I'm counting on that to survive

"Tristan listen to me" I said seriously causing him to stand alert, probably now recognizing that I once was a  beta.

Your people are just outside our house, they're surrounding us - I said causing his face to grow worriedly.

Tristan: I-..I'm sorry I didn't think they'd follow me all the way here, I-I'll go talk to them-"

Hey hey, honey, it's okay alright? It wasn't your fault, but whatever happens today, I beg of you, don't say a word about Keith being my son, please - I pleaded causing Keith to look over my shoulders seeing Keith eating something from the table again.

Wether they're after Tristan or Keith, I need to try my best to keep the both of them away from harm.

Since Tristan is an alpha's son, they would never dare hurt him, but..my Keith? Who knows what they'll do.

Tristan: I don't know what you did to Keith, but..I'll trust you. He said causing me to smile while patting his head comfortingly.

Tristan is a living proof of why I don't ever, want my Keith to be an alpha.

For a 6 year old child to carry such a heavy name, I don't..want Keith, to end up like Damon.

Thank you- I said causing him to quickly hug me to which, caught me off guard.

Tristan: No, thank you, for letting me be a kid this month. He said to which, caused a small tear to roll down my eye.

A kid, just thank me, for letting him be kid.


"STOP" Someone yelled kicking to door open causing all of us to freeze.

I couldn't move nor do I want to turn around.

That voice..

"Don't you dare hurt my Tristan" The familiar gut wrenching voice said causing me to clench my fist at the nostalgic feeling.

Distaste Ness

"Ethan calm down" A familiar voice that holds nothing but authority said joining the room.

"Papa!" Tristan yelled running off to his parents.

Hah..what a small world.

"What did that wretched wolf did to you? Hey you bastard whatever you did to Tristan I'll do it ten times-"

"Ethan calm down this instant" The other wolf replied.

I couldn't do anything but chuckle a little, mocking myself for the situation I'm in.

Truly, life is shit.

"You, over there, turn around when an alpha is speaking" He said causing me to smile as I turned around meeting them.

The faces I never thought I'd see again.

"No..way.."Ethan whispered as he covered his mouth in shock while Damon's eyes widened but remained speechless nonetheless.

None of the three of us said anything and had remained starring at each other not knowing what to do.

They were about to say something when the bathallion leaders suddenly joined in the room circling around us.

".No way...Beta Theo?" One familiar wolf said amongst the bathallion leaders.


My apprentice took my place, hah..I kinda feel proud.

"Don't you dare touch my uncle!" I heard Keith yell causing my eyes to widen remembering, I still have a son with me.

Keith, remember the game we made? Make sure you win alright?- I said through the link causing him to giggle internally.

Keith: dad if there's one thing that you should know about me, that is my hatred in losing He said causing me to laugh internally.

Jamie: even tho he looks like those two shits, how he acts is a copy paste of yours. My wolf said causing me to silently agree.

"Uncle?" Damon muttered to himself as the other unknown Bathallion leaders started their positions ready to attack.

They..won't hurt Keith won't they?

Keith would never chose those two over me right?


Jamie: whatever happens today, make sure that Keith is safe, I don't want these two shit heads anywhere near him too but..we have nothing against six bathallion leaders.

Just give them whatever the fuck they want if it means Keith is safe, got it - I replied causing Jamie to howl.


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