Chaos ensues

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Jimmy's head flew up, fear in his eyes as he glanced around the room. Scott noticed his sudden movement and immediately grew worried. "Jimmy? What's wrong?"

The blonde didn't stop his searching as he gave his reply. "I-I heard something..." His gaze landed on the window leading outside. "Like someone w-walking in the snow..."

Scott turned to face the window as well but saw nothing. He sighed, turning to face the blonde and gently cupping his hand on the side of Jimmy's face, turning his head so the blonde was now facing the elf. "There's nothing there, you're probably just on edge about the whole kidnapping situation which is understandable."

Jimmy nodded, leaning into the elf's touch.

Suddenly there was a loud scream coming from outside. They both turned to look out the window, fear in their eyes. "Now that I heard." Scott quickly got up from the couch and ran over to the door with Jimmy worriedly following him out of the elf's house.

As soon as they reached the snowy lands of Rivendell they were greeted by chaos. There were children screaming as they ran past, obvious fear in their eyes, parents rounding up their kids in a protective yet worried stance, owls filling the sky as they flew overhead.

Scott stopped the next person to walk by, questioning them on what was going on. "The demon! They were here and then suddenly gone! It's got everyone in a panic your highness. No one knows where they're going to show up next."

The elf nodded, allowing them to continue on their way, before turning to face Jimmy. "Stay close to me, I'll make sure he doesn't take you again."

Jimmy nodded, too scared to say anything.

Scott turned back around, scanning his Empire for any sign of his brother. "Xornoth! I know you're there! Show yourself!"

"That would be too easy." The demon's deep, Scottish accent sounded through the light wind that had now picked up, the sun slowly disappeared behind the clouds.

Scott looked around, there was no sign of his brother anywhere until-


Fear ran through Scott's body as he quickly spun around to see Jimmy wrestling to break free from the demon's hold. "Let go of him!" The elf was in a fighting position, ready to do anything to prevent them from taking Jimmy again.

"And why would I do that?" Xornoth had an evil grin plastered on his face, knowing they had hit the elf where it hurt.

Scott narrowed his eyes, glaring at his brother. "I won't say it again. Let. Him. Go!" He raised his hand as an ice spike grew up from the ground, separating the two and pushing Jimmy into Scott's arms.

There was a loud, obnoxious laugh from the black figure. "You think ice is going to stop me? How cute." Before Scott even got a chance to answer, the demon was gone, disappearing into thin air.

The elf immediately turned to Jimmy as he lowered his hand, worry on his face. "Are you ok?"

The blonde just nodded, wrapping his arms around Scott for comfort. Scott immediately hugged back, relief washing through him.

He wouldn't have been able to forgive himself if the demon had taken Jimmy for the second time, and it would have been a lot harder to find where he was if Xornoth had taken him somewhere else knowing Scott knew where the last place had been.

Do Him: Demon brotherWhere stories live. Discover now