"I was thinking that maybe we could turn this into a family day and go get Hailey."

"We can do that..We haven't really had a family day in a long time anyway." He shrugged.

We headed back inside and I grabbed my purse, while Odell got his keys and we headed to Jarvis's house to get Hailey. The entire ride there Odell held my hand and placed his other hand on the steering wheel. .
Odell POV

"I hate wearing dresses" Hailey pouted as she looked in the mirror at her tribal print summer dress she was wearing. "I wanna wear something else!"

"Why? You look adorable Babygirl!." I asked her.

"I hate wearing dresses..can I wear shorts?" She asked.

My babygirl was a true tomboy, I don't know what she's gonna do on the wedding day because she's gonna be the flower girl and she's gonna wear a dress regardless.

"If that's what you wanna do, go ahead." She smiled and ran out the Livingroom.

We were sitting at Jarvis's house picking up Hailey. Dani wants to go to the beach and Hailey wants to go to, so I guess we are going to the beach...even though I wanted to go to the amusement park!!!! But it's fine, as long as my girls are happy. Jennifer walked into the Livingroom and sat down next to me.

"Does Danielle hate me?" She asked straight and forward.

"What makes you think that?"

"She never talks to me, she's always rolling her eyes when I speak, she never greets me and when I walk into a room she's in, she leaves!"

"I'm sure she doesn't hate, Jarvis's last girl really hurt him and Dani doesn't want it to happen again." She sighed.

"But I'm not that Sherane girl! I'm nothing like that, I would never hurt Jarvis....do you think it's because I'm..y'know white?" She said and I busted out laughing.

"No, Dani doesn't care about race. She's not the discriminating type. Just give it some time, she'll get over it."

"Thanks Odell..congratulations on getting engaged and if you need me to do anything wedding relate just call me." She smiled.

"Thanks Jenn." I smiled back at her.

Danielle and Hailey came back down the stairs, and Hailey had changed into a pair of shorts, a white shirt and a pair of sandals..

"You didn't want to wear a dress but you wore sandals?" Kavarha said.

"Be quiet Kavarha." Hailey pushed him.

"Are you happy now?" I asked her.

"Yes, very happy! That dress was not gonna work, wait! I forgot my football." She ran back upstairs.

When Hailey came back downstairs we headed out. The ride to the beach wasn't long at all. I was happy to be with my family today, I was finally on the verge of getting married, once my son is born and we officially get married my family will pretty much be complete. I watched Danielle and Hailey play in the water and splash eachother.

"Daddy can you throw the football with me." Hailey asked.

"Yeah come on babygirl" I caught the ball as she threw it to me.

Anonymous POV

I watched as he proposed to her, I was outraged. Then she really said yes to him! She should be with me anyway! ...but that's fine, he'll be gone in about a year. This plan is gonna take some time to get right. She'll hate his guts, she ain't gon want shit to do with him when Im finished..

"Just let her be happy bruh.." My brother said sighing.

"Shut the hell up, you don't know shit." I clenched my jaw.

Danielle will be mine, I mean that!.

"I'm just saying, she look happy..let her stay that way." He shrugged.

"Shut the fuck up! Make yourself useful and go follow them." I threw him the keys.

"No! They having a family day! Let them be happy." He threw them back at me.

"Fine! I'll do it myself...punk ass.." I got up from my chair.

I follows them to the beach and picked a spot kinda far from them, but not to far. Danielle sat on her blanket by herself as she watched Odell and Hailey play...damn she was looking good, even though she was pregnant it didn't matter. She still looked good! He long hair blew in the wind as a breeze came through. Odell came into view and kissed her, UGH!! I should just kill his ass right now...but that would mess everything up. I'll just stick to my regular plan


Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now