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Amethyst POV:

At that moment,I had realized how much worse this situation was going to get.

I hear Norphia slowly creep up behind me , groaning lowly.

"Good morning.."She croaked out,her voice as faint as ever,but enough for the two of us to react.

"Oh,good morning."I spoke awkwardly with a smile.
"um,so this is name is Saia-"
Just as I almost finished, I was cut off by my mothers fake ass high-pitched voice.

"Hi!Im guessing you're Amethyst's girlfriend?The name's Saia!"She spoke up,walking right past me as if It wasn't my house.

She ran up to hug Norphia,declining The hand shake that was offered before.
"Actually no,I live next door,but my parents have a few issues so I come over to amethyst if it gets too bad."Norphia forced a smile after being let out from Saia's embrace,her cheeks red signaling embarrassment as she smiled from ear to ear

I knew it hurt her to admit that to an absolute stranger , but she's managing."So are you gonna tell me why the hell you're here?" I blurt out,not wanting her to get any closer to Norphia.

Norphs lips purse and her eyebrows raise as she heads her way to the seating area,avoiding the action of involving herself in our conversation.

"What?I can't come to see my eldest daughter anymore?" She questioned,though she left no hint of remorse in her eyes."You should be ashamed,—Barging into your own daughters house like it's yours,immediately making assumptions about her friend,and then you still refuse to answer my questions."She scoffed in return,still not cooperating."ok's either you get out of my fucking house,or you answer my question and you can stay for a little while."

When I mean a little while,I don't mean an hour or over,I meant 30 minutes,thats it.And I made sure that she knew that by clearly stating it.But I'm sure she's deaf somehow,because she just sat there,talking her mouth off to Norphia.

She swore she came here for me,yet she had exchanged only a few words to her own daughter.Of course I'm not jealous,I'm more confused if anyone was to ask ,She barely knows Norphia,but she's talking to her as if she's known her for a lifetime.
Norphia POV:

Amethyst's mother was very talkative,but it wasn't a bad thing.It's like I enjoy her company,but I would be perfectly fine without it.

Right now , I just wanted to finish watching 'Never Have I Ever' with Amethyst,except her mom was keeping me from even asking.

I realized that Amethyst was giving us both a dirty look,not just her mom.That made me a little scared to fraternize with her any further.Considering She had already warned me about how her mother made her a little off edge ,because she gave others far more attention than to her own children.

Amethyst decided to call her mother off,signaling her to the kitchen,I'm assuming to talk.I found it kind of wild to lead someone to the kitchen to talk about something that may become personal when there is another being around that area.Like yelling at your 'lover' saying you want a divorce while your child is silently sobbing in the next room.

I thought to myself,my mind immediately traveling to my parents,and then to my dad,which I cared for the most,I knew it was a little unfair to only think about one parent to rely on,but in an unfair relationship of parents,it most definitely is fair.At least to me..

I heard Amethyst and her mom in the kitchen,going about something that involved her dad,and her siblings,and basically just her telling her mom about herself.It was pure chaos and I wasn't here for it mentally,but I kind of had to physically cause I don't really feel like up and leaving.

Immediately as I was about to get up ,I felt my phone vibrate against my thigh,I wasn't really expecting many people to be texting me,since I only have a good handful of textable friends,and the occasional 'how are you's and 'Hello's.

But this wasn't one of them,this was from my birth giver.I just sat and watched the name label 'Nalia' on the message band.I opened my phone,expecting some kind of passive aggressive way of telling me to come home.

But again,as unexpected,it was a message that sounded like it was coming from someone that wasn't anything like her.

It read...

Nalia : where have you been?Im packing up and I would like to see you before I leave.

It was short and simple,boring,and definitely not something my mother would send me.
She usually didn't care upon my whereabouts ,as long as I was alive and in state of Brooklyn , New York.

She was packing up to go see her mom,at least thats what she told me...but I knew It was just so that I wouldn't interfere with her clearly cheating on my father.

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Finally ,I decided that I should go say bye considering it was my own mother.
So I got up and grabbed my phone before I walked a few steps to the door I stopped midway to debate whether I should tell amethyst and her mom that I'm leaving , or leave them to continue their rather loud conversation.

Of course I chose the second option due to my shyness.I took the few steps left to get to the door , opening and shutting it behind me as quietly as I can.I sprinted to the next apartment door , which is unfortunately mine , and swiftly unlocked it with my house key that is always hanging from the lanyard on my neck.

When I looked up,I was greeted with the back of my fathers head ,peeking over the couch.I didn't think he heard me , since he didn't move all that much.I slowly crept up behind him,and took his headphones off,careful not to startle him too much.Kissing his cheek and greeting him,I watched him smile at me,he then kissed my forehead,like he usually does,but this time he started to question me.

Still smiling "how is the neighbor?" He asked sweetly.

"She's..nice.." I said ,slightly smiling.

"What happened?"he asked immediately "I'll fuck her up if that's what it comes down to"I gasped in response as he chuckled at my reaction.I had more to say about Amethyst ,not any complaints or anything , it's just that I was afraid to tell him just how much I adored her,since neither of my parents know of my sexuality yet.

Just as I was about to open my mouth, Mom walked in.

"Oh,hi mom." I smiled weakly while waving quickly.She glared at me with a dull expression, as always."Hey."She let out a heavy sigh.My dads expression dropped slowly as she glared at him."you okay?"
I signed to him,Not so recently,my dad lost hearing in his right ear on the Fourth of July,due to the fireworks,so I learned sign as a thing just between the two of us

Plus my mom doesn't want to 'waste her time' learning sign if he can still hear out of one ear.But I learned it just in case anything happened to his other ear.

"Is there any food?"I asked my mom,She looked at me weird.
"That's not what you came here for Phia."She said,crossing her arms.I already knew that,but why would I want to give her a hug and then just walk away?then it would be equal to just texting "see you later" and going on with life.

"I know but I at least want to let you enjoy your time here before you leave."

I honestly didn't care,I was just hungry and I don't want to interrupt Amethyst and Mrs.WhateverHerLastNameIs,I also just realized that I don't Know Amethyst's or her moms last name-

But that doesn't matter as of now,I just want to eat and go back to where I'm fully me.

Girl me either🤧But this will soon be over and you can get back to touching all up on your future girlfriend !

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