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Amethyst POV:

I tried my absolute hardest to shimmy out of the crooked sleeping position, since I have to go to the door and talk to that hypocrite(also known as my mother) that was pounding on my door as if she was trying to hammer nails into it.

I was also trying my absolute hardest not to wake up Norphia, who looked like a hot mess,that includes her hair,clothing,and whatever she would call a 'comfortable position'.

I finally made it out of my room after the absolute last person I wanted to see had banged on the door about 20 times. I was getting quite annoyed with her constant pounding.

The sound made my head hurt,but the sound of her yelling my name from the other side of the door made my splitting headache even worse.

As I trudged to the door,I let out a breathy sigh and rolled my eyes.The inner me was probably throwing a tiny temper tantrum.

I look through the peephole while my mouth formed to a pout,knowing that I would have to hear from her at some point.

I finally opened the door,revealing a short and unkept woman.She had droopy eyes that looked like they could pierce through your skull at any given moment.

She also had many piercings.She had two studded nose piercings ,one on each side,snakebites , and one on her right eyebrow.
It didn't affect me,so I didn't say anything ,plus it would be 'disrespectful' to point it out..well..that's according to 'mom'.

We stared at each other for a while,my eyes filled with sleep ,while hers were completely blank.

It kind of scared me how she could stand so still ,yet her gaze still affects me every time.It reminds me of when she would introduce me to her new 'co-workers' every other week , or should I say horny,old men that want to waste their hundreds on selfish young women that don't provide for their children with anything other than a house.

* * *

I was leaning against my door frame,looking down at her with a disgusted pouting face with my arms firmly across my chest as she
looked up at me with squinted eyes,clearly judging my appearance.

I didn't have as much additional accessories like she did,I only had two ear piercings on each ear ,a belly button piercing,and a septum.I don't really like to put holes in my skin,especially because I don't want to buy accessories.I've also never gotten a tattoo before,but Saia has , in fact,she has a good two handfuls of 'em.
(Let me get back on track😐)

"You don't look different at all." She said with her serious face once again.I snickered in response.

"What do you want, Saia?"I snapped , getting straight to the point.

"Snappy aren't we? Just like your mother-"

"I'm nothing like you, don't get it twisted."I cut her off,not wanting to hear her bullshit.She rolled her eyes as she sighed ,bringing her attention to the quiet scenery behind me,well it was quieter before I heard the floorboards creak I'm the distance.

At that moment,I had realized how much worse this situation was going to get.


Due to my lack of motivation to stay up all night to make a cover, I decided to choose to a giggle-worthy image from my camera roll..
-Love you guys🫶🏽

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