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Amethyst POV:

Norphia went out shopping while I cleaned up the apartment .I swept ,washed the dishes and clothes ,I mopped ,cleaned the bedroom (by organizing everything) wiping down the shelves and Vacuumed the carpets .I did the same with the bathroom.

While I was getting the pillow cases from the bedroom ,I pushed the pull out bed back under my bed ,but as I was doing so ,I saw a strange ,black book ,upside-down and flipped over.

I flipped the book back to its semi-original state ,and read the front of the book."Norphia's Notes ,DO NOT TOUCH!" Since I already touched it ,I might as well see what notes are inside, I know.. It's such an invasion of her privacy, and it's wrong.

'Its just notes..whats the worst that could happen'

The front page was decorated with pictures of Norphia ,Moon ,Hello kitty, and , me.I flipped to the second page to actually see some writing .I didn't want to read, it though .I just wanted to see how much she writes in this thing. I looked over the page ,It had a photo of moon over in the top left corner of the page .As I was scanning my eyes over the page, something caught my eye ,my name was absolutely everywhere.

I don't know if she was talking shit about me or just simply being obsessed. I read on from the first time I saw my name, since I saw "Amethyst" at least 6 times .There was about one paragraph that I couldn't take my eyes off of though.

The page explained how 'pretty' i am,and how 'nice' i can be..But further down on the page ,i read that she seemed to have a small crush on me.

I was shocked, FLABBERGASTED at that .I never knew she felt that way about me..How long has she felt this way. .?I mean ,I've known her for around 8-10 weeks ,so I guess it's quite reasonable.

Norphia walks in.

I quickly closed the book and put it on the shelf quietly so that she wouldn't think I was rushing to close it."Heyyy! I bought your favorite chocolate !"I smiled at her while getting  up from the bed, fixing the blanket that was under me.

She moved aside from the view of the doorway and followed me after I walked past her .I went straight to the kitchen to put up the groceries.
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This is a time skip to after they've put up the groceries🙂
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"ughhh" Norphia groaned loudly while she put up the last item. "Thank you SOOO much for helping me ,I wouldn't have finished this quick if you didn't - -" the last few words were Muffled because Norphia had shoved a cookie in her mouth. I snickered before turning on the television, and going straight to Netflix.
"Ooo! what are you watching?!" She exclaimed ,sprinting to the seat beside me.

"have you ever watched the series never have I ever?"


"I was planning to finish some today...maybe we could watch a horror movie together afterwards ,or maybe even a romance if that's what you're into. "I peered over to her, she was smiling at me .The only thing I could do was smile back .I typed in 'Never have I ever' into the Netflix keyboard ."oh !Hold on I'm gonna go get blankets!"

She ran off to what I'm assuming was the bedroom. A while after she came back with a soft ,sage green was enough for the two of us ,if she were to bring two, then it would be too hot and uncomfortable.

When she sat down, she sat way closer than before .She was about one inch away from basically sitting on my lap .Since I now know how she feels about me ..It makes it hard to ignore the signs the way I did when I didn't know she had shown such a liking to me.

"damn...Relationships are complicated."

So I accidentally published this on my Laptop so I'll continue in the next chapter.Love ya <3


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