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Amethyst POV:

Great,it's raining..and I have no umbrella or coat.

I mumbled while walking towards my apartment.Hopefully my new job doesn't see me as some awkward, no-experience idiot that can barely walk straight,especially in heels.
The first thing I need to make sure of is to 'never fall for anyone.'

If I get too comfortable I might just slip up and get fired.I'm not planning on getting in a relationship at all either way.

I looked up at the beautiful white crescent moon above me.It had already stopped raining,but I suppose I didn't notice since I'm already soaked.

On my way to the path of my apartment complex I accidentally hit my head on a pole.

"Ow!"I said out loud ,holding my forehead.Luckily,i have bangs to cover it up.I quickly went upstairs to my apartment.I got my keys out and unlocked the cat bolted at me ,meowing for food."Ok,ok hold on Moon,let me at least get my shoes off."I let out a sigh ,walking past the energetic cat.

I got her bowl and poured some dry cat food out in the small dish."Come eat Moon!" I said,acting as if she could actually understand me.She looked over the couch to look at me,then jumped off of the couch to get to her bowl.

I backed away to get to my room.I got some clothes and opened the door to my bathroom.

I put my clothes on the counter and turned the water to hot.(she takes off her clothes,blah blah I'm not putting details you weirdos)After a while ,I picked up my shampoo,I lathered some on my hands and obviously,I started washing my hair.About 15 minutes of scrubbing the hell out my scalp,I stepped under the shower head and let the water take the soap out of my hair.

I yelled Very loudly in agony ,realizing that I've got shampoo in my eyes.I put my face under the water for the soap to come out.I opened my eyes,but they were still burning.

I heard a knock at my front door.Shit,now I have to walk out there With no fucking clothes,and again,I have soap in my eyes.I got out of the shower and grabbed my towel,rubbing my eyes.I loudly stepped to the door,struggling to get all the soap off my face.

Opening the door ,I opened my eyes,thankfully I got the soap out."Hi! I was wondering if you were okay,since I heard a lot of commotion going on over here."The brown woman asked me. "Yeah I'm fine,I just got soap in my eyes." I said glaring at the woman's beautiful chocolate skin,she looked like a goddess.Like she had contoured every piece of herself."Oh and um,I was wondering if I could stay here for a while,since my parents are kind of arguing right now..."She said awkwardly."of course,but I hope you don't mind cats." She shakes her head,as a motion of 'nah,I'm good with cats'.

I let the girl in,showing her where the seating area was.I went back to my room to dry off and change.I changed into a navy blue and green striped sweatshirt.It was long ,since I lost weight since last summer..but I can manage.I also put on a black pair of shorts.And walked to the living room.

I spotted the girl on the couch petting Moon.She looked very peaceful,almost as if the woman wasn't a stranger at all."you seem to be getting along with Moon."I say grabbing a cup of crushed ice before returning to sit next to her."Oh,that's her name?"

"Yeah,and on the topic of names,I never got yours.My name's Amethyst by the way" I said biting a piece of ice."I like your name,it's really cute." She spoke up.I smiled a bit while wasn't a normal thing for me since I usually only ever blushed once."My name's Norphia ,but you can call me Phia ,Norphi,or just Norphia..Nice to meet you!"

Bro this part isnt that long, it also doesn't really make sense but whatever.I'm about to start writing the next part since I have nothing else to do .

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