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Her need to rescue people was dormant until she saw a child about to get hit by a car. She barely remembers the thought that made her act. She only remembers that she was on the side of the wide street one second and the next; she had a child pressed to her chest securely, and was on the ground on the other side of the street. The rolling fall precipitated the rolled ankle and the dislocated shoulder she'd gotten, but the child was safe and unharmed.

Her ability is what truly ruined her. When someone turns sixteen, they gain an ability. The effects of the ability vary in terms of how it affects her and the people around her. Her ability is a blessing and a curse. Enhancing her senses beyond normal human capabilities, but making whoever she looked at lose life force. The effect it has on others is what ruined her. In response to her ability, she covered her eyes. 

By cutting off her sight, she expanded her senses even further. She trained herself to predict everyone's moves, pushed her senses to the point that she could hear muscles, smell even the faintest scents, and feel people on the other side of the room. Her senses allowed her to predict the actions of others. 

She'd been called a charlatan before. While she is faking what her ability is, she isn't faking her knowledge. Her position of saving others is illicit, as she doesn't have the proper license, but welcomed as there aren't many heroes on the streets. Information on her ability had disseminated across the city, however false it was, claiming her ability was foresight. She never corrected it. 

Villain activity had proliferated during her time as a vigilante. While she was taking some down, more appeared. It seemed like the villains were testing her foresight ability. Unluckily for them, her senses caught their plans long before they were in action.

Other vigilantes were the cause of false information spreading on her ability, their attempts to help her. She found herself hating them. They corroborated information on her ability, lied about it, and drew all this attention to her. She can't change the opinions of the public.

She decided to leave the city. Her ideals diverged from what they were originally. She'd wanted to save others, but now she's going to save herself. By saving herself, she left everyone who ever knew her. Many had tried to persuade her to stay, but her decision was irrevocable. She'll live alone in the forest, where no villains can disturb her, and she'll become who she truly is.

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