Jennie - Y/N

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!Long ass chapter ahead!
The longest chapter i have written in so long. Enjoy!!


"Hey, it's your favorite cousin" Roseanne said as I answered her call.

I chuckled "Alice unnie won't be happy to hear that" I said.

"Don't lie. We know I'm your favorite" She said.

"Maybe. Maybe not" I said.

"You're so mean" She said.

"Anyways, I called because Alice unnie told me you're on vacation for a month so please visit me here" She said.

"That's the plan" I said and she gasped.

"You're going here?" She asked.

"Duh, yes" I said.

"I'm actually packing now" I said.

"When's your flight?" She asked.

"Tomorrow" I said.

"And you're only telling me this now?" She asked.

"At least I told you" I said.

"Where are you staying?" She asked.

"Your place" I said.

"Everything in your city is expensive as shit" I said.

"Don't wanna go broke" I said.

"I got you" She said.

"Oh, I bought toys for Hank" I said.

"What about me?" She asked.

"I bought your favorite snacks from childhood" I said.

"And I also bought some stuff for your members" I said.

"Aw. You're so thoughtful" She said in her cute voice.

"The fuck?" I asked and frowned.

"Just kidding. I have to leave now. I'll see you tomorrow?" She said.

"Afternoon" I said.

"Okay. Take care and love you!" She said.

"I will. Love you too!" I said.

Time skip...

My alarm rang and I groaned as I turned it off.

It's dawn.

I didn't want to get out of bed.

I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before standing up.

I got my phone and went to my bathroom.

I received a text from Alice unnie which basically tells me to wake up.

I called her.

"I'm awake" I said.

"Good morning. I'll be picking you up from the airport" She said.

"How long is the flight?" I asked.

"From Sydney to Incheon is about 11 hours" She said.

"That's good. I have time to do work" I said.

"You're on vacation. Don't do work" She said.

"I just have to review some reports" I said.

"But once I land, I won't do any work. I promise" I said.

"You better not. You're going here to take a break from your work" She said.

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