2) Friendgroup - Mother Issues

293 5 18

TW: Insulting (kinda), suicidal

"Are we finished?" Japeth asked around the room.
Agatha, Tedros, Sophie, Hort, Aric and Rhian nodded, Japeth stood up and started to clean the dishes.

Silence came over the table, they had nothing to talk about.
"I just had a random thought. Does anyone of us have a good relationship to their mother?" Tedros asked out of the blue.

"Me!" Agatha said instantly.
"Aggie your biological mom, not Callis!" Sophie replied without hesitation.
"Oh yea...I keep forgetting about that." she said laughing.

"Well I guess my mom and I had a good relationship." Rhian said slowly.
Japeth turned around almost immediately.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" he said jokingly.

"No?" he answered.
"You're telling me that mother treated you right?" he said doubtful.
"Yes?" he replied confused.
Japeth waited for a moment to let that sink in.

"Are we talking about the same mother? 'Cause like damn she treated me bad as fuck!" he explained.
Sophie started laughing 'cause she knew Japeth better than anyone else probably...well...except for Aric obviously.

"Yea well maybe you were just an asshole around her!" Rhian said jokingly.
"Oh I couldn't have acted more of an asshole than you did!" Japeth replied with the same jokingly voice.

Just for the others, it didn't sound like joking anymore.
"Yea well maybe she just hated you because you were named after the man who ruined her life!" Rhian explained.

"Really? You're pulling the name card??" he replied and put away the dishes.
"You do know the HE wanted to keep YOU and raise you on his own while mother would've kept me!" Japeth almost yelled.

Agatha was beginning to get very worried and signed to Sophie that they maybe should do something by now but she only replied with a »just wait«, while Hort was distracted with his nails.

"Oh I wish they did that but switch us! That would have been sooo much better for everyone!" Rhian replied louder too now.
"Oh I bet father would have loved me!" Japeth said triumphantly while Rhian just stared back at him.

"Well he loved me the most that's for sure!"

They all turned around to the voice who just said that.


Hort wasn't distracted anymore either.

"What they hell?!!" the twins shouted.
"He's our father you know??" they explained.
"You mean »was«." said Aric who was just watching the chaos with an amused smile.

"Says the one who killed his own mother!!" Japeth replied looking at his boyfriend now.
"Yeah well at least I finished the job!" he said, putting his feet on the table.
"Unlike you." he judged.

"What does he mean »unlike you«?? Did you try to kill mother?!" Rhian asked scared.
"I also tried to kill you." he answered with a chill voice.

"wHAt?!!" Rhian started panicking.
Everyone just laughed at him.
"And I tried to kill Hort and Tedros and Sophie and Agatha and the coven and so much more people really." he explained.

"Didn't you forget someone really important on that list?" Aric asked looking at him.
Japeth hesitated at first but then said: "Me?"
"No! Me! What the hell??!" he replied angrily.

"Did you try to kill yourself, Japeth?" Agatha asked worryingly.
"What? No! Me? Never!" he explained trying to sound as believable as possible which wasn't very much by the way.

"Let's just change the topic! How about we all watch a movie together?" he suggested and everyone agreed with him.
Everyone except Aric.
Because he knew the truth.

Japeth tried to avoid his boyfriend's burning look on himself.
He knew that he'd try to talk to him about that later.
But later is not now so he didn't need to think about that now!
But it didn't work.

He couldn't concentrate a bit on the movie, he didn't even know what they were watching.
So he just waited out the time until Aric would confront him about it.


I wrote something short yayyy!
Not exactly what I was thinking about but it doesn't matter

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-fun, author

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