Chapter Six

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The next morning Rory wakes up with a groan, not wanting to go in "Rory, can I come in?" Charlie ask from outside his bedroom. "Yeah." Rory responds, curling up under his covers. Charlie walks in and sees Rory under the covers "You don't have to go in today if you don't want to." he tells him. Rory pokes his head out from under the covers "No?" he asks. Charlie shakes his head "As long as you catch up with your work and don't mind being on your own today." he expounds. Rory nods "Thanks dad." he smiles slightly, grabbing his phone to message Edward.
Rory - Don't worry about picking me up, not going to be in today
Edward - Alright, you okay?
Rory - Yeah, not feeling up to being in today so dad said I can stay off today
Edward - Okay, I'll let the others know
Rory smiles slightly and puts his phone down, curling back up under the covers and falling asleep.

After a couple hours Rory wakes up again and heads downstairs, finding his dad gone off to work. As he starts making himself some toast to doorbell goes, walking over he opens the door to find the five Cullen siblings "What you doing here?" he asks in confusion. "Well, you're not at school today so we decided to join you. We also decided to tell you some stuff and answer any questions you might have, rather than wait til Friday." Alice explains. Nodding, Rory invites them in and goes back to his cereal in the kitchen "Carlisle and Esme are alright with you all skipping school?" he asks. "Yeah, they thought it would be nice for you to be with you're friends today." Rosalie responds. Rory nods, eating a mouthful of cereal "I'm still in my pjs." he realises, looking at his joggers and baggy T-shirt. "We don't care Rory." Rosalie reassures him, the others nodding in agreement. Rory nods and finishes his cereal, washing up the bowl and putting it away again "We can go to the sitting room, that way we can sit." he tells the siblings, leading them through.

They all sit down where Alice decides to take the lead "Okay, so, we want to tell you something but you have to promise to let us explain everything before you start asking questions." she tells him. "Okay." Rory responds in slight confusion. "This is all going to sound confusing and crazy but we're vampires, Carlisle and Esme too. We're not going to hurt you, we don't feed on humans we feed on animals instead." Alice explains. Rory sits there in confusion and slight shock "So the legends that Uncle Billy talks about...they're true?" he asks. "Yes, they're true." Edward nods. "Why...why tell me though? Surely you have rules you have to keep." Rory frowns. "Have you heard about mates?" Rosalie asks. "Like soulmates? People who are born to be together?" Rory responds. "He's, well... you're our mate. All five of us are mated to you." Emmett explains. "It's why we're allowed to tell you about us." Jasper adds. "So... all five of you are my mates? Why me?" Rory asks. "What do you mean?" Edward frowns. "Why are you mated to me? I-I'm not special or anything." Rory tells them, looking at his hands as he fiddles with them. Rosalie grabs his hand in hers "You are to us Rory. You're exactly what we're all looking for. You're kind, sweet, funny, amazing and so much more." she tells him. Rory looks at her with tears in her eyes "Y-you all think that?" he asks, looking at the others. "Of course we do Rory, we wouldn't be telling you otherwise." Edward responds.

(Trigger Warning: Transphobia Mentioned)
Rory nods, leaning into Rosalie as she hugs him, Alice joining them and hugging him from the other side "Is this about your mum?" Alice asks making him nod, a couple tears falling. The three brothers frown "What happened with your mum?" Emmett asks. "She kicked me out for being trans, told me that she didn't want a tranny in the house." Rory mumbles, Rosalie playing with his hair. "She what?!" Edward growls. "It's why I was scared to tell you guys and dad about me being trans, I didn't want you all to hate me." Rory explains. "We could never hate you Rory, ever." Jasper tells him, Rory nodding in response. "Why don't you get some sleep Rory, we'll be here when you wake." Rosalie suggests. Rory nods and cuddles into her more, falling asleep almost instantly "We'll finish explaining everything to him later, just let him rest for now." Alice says, putting a blanket over Rory. "You two knew about his mum?" Emmett asks Rosalie and Alice. "He told us the day we took him shopping, we didn't tell you because we wanted him too in his own time." Rosalie explains, holding their mate close as he sleeps. "Why would anyone say and do that to their own child?" Jasper frowns. "All I know is that Rory is better off here and away from her and his sister." Edward responds. "That we can all agree on." Emmett nods.
(Trigger Warning Over)

Rory soon wakes up, still cuddled into Rosalie "You have a good sleep?" Alice asks. "Yeah, sorry I fell asleep." Rory respond. "No need to apologise Rory, we honestly don't mind." Edward assures him. "I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise." Rosalie adds. "Why don't we finish explaining everything to you?" Emmett suggests. "Okay." Rory nods. "Well some of us have gifts. Edward can read minds, Alice can see the future and I can read and control emotions." Jasper explains. "Does that mean you can read anything I'm thinking?" Rory asks Edward. "It's different with you for some reason. I only get flashes of what you're thinking, as if I'm looking through fog." Edward tells him. "You got any other questions?" Rosalie asks. "Not that I can think of." Rory responds, smiling as Rosalie carries on playing with his hair. "We'll if you do just tell us and we'll answer it." Emmett tells him. "One last thing though... do you want to be with us? In a relationship?" Alice asks. Rory nods "It's hard to explain but it feel right." he tells them as they all smile. "We're glad it does, we'd never want you to feel uncomfortable." Rosalie tells him, still playing with his hair.

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