
It's been an hour now and they still could not decide on the movie... As usual Nia and Sahil kept bickering to get the movie of their choice. For a change, Sia was trying to break their argument...

Bored Riddhima picked up Sahil's bat and pushed the ball rolling at the other end. He came directly from the club where he plays cricket with his friends...

"It's a cricket bat, Riddhzi. Not hockey or polo." Sahil called out offended

"Let's play cricket" Nia stood up excitedly.

"Yes. That would be fun" Sahil agreed radially

"What? No. I mean Sia"

"I will be an umpire. And we have a ground to play." Even Sia looked excited at the prospect...


She sucked at this game. She did not need Ishani's cruel laugh to tell her that as she dropped one more catch.

"Do you even know how to hold a bat?" She was jeering at her

"Do you know anything other than laughing like a donkey and showing your yellow teeth?" Nia called back annoyed

Aryan had to restrain Ishani from punching Nia. "We can certainly play better than this" he gestured at Riddhima...

"Well then let's have a match" This time it was Sahil

"Guys...let it be" Riddhima tried to intervene

"Feeling scared already?" Ishani snorted

"No, absolutely not. Let's have a match. And you are playing" Nia turned to glare at Riddhima

"But teams won't be equal in that case." Sia reminded everyone

"It's okay. The two of us are enough for these losers" Ishani replied back arrogantly

"No, the play will be fair. Riddhzi can we get one of your bodyguards to play with us?"

"I can ask Pasha. Let me see. You guys start preparing"


Vansh wrapped up his work earlier than expected and why not Riddhima must be home. He was going to spend the remaining time with her. He was planning to take her away for the weekend. Just the two of them...

"Where is Riddhima?" He asked Mrs. D'Souza

"Mam is playing cricket with others"

"Cricket!" Bewildered both Vansh and Aangre moved toward the ground. He saw the strangest scene that he ever thought he would ever see in his life, at least not in this home.

Aryan was batting. Ishani standing on the opposite side. Ready to score a run. Sahil bowling. Nia wicketkeeper. Riddhima stood at a distance fielding. Everyone was engrossed in the game. Pasha sat in the nearby chair holding another bat...

Sia sitting in her wheelchair maintaining a score. And Dadi enjoying the show...

"What the..." Aangre whispered. It was Pasha who saw them first. He left his bat and stood straight.

"Boss" "Sir" he nodded at them. Everyone stopped playing

"That's it. The game is over now" Ishani sighed. She was really enjoying it. Even though Sahil and Nia did give them a tough fight. But Aryan and Pasha were equally good. Her only consolation was she was better than Riddhima

"What? Why?" Nia whined

"Can't you see my brother is here" Ishani rolled her eyes at the stupid girl

Vansh's eyes were focused on Riddhima. She was wearing blue jeans, a blue jersey, and a cap on her head...she blushed under his X-ray gaze.

"We are about to finish." She met his gaze

"Cool. Then you won't mind if I join you. Aangre here will play so that teams will be equal" Vansh replied, removing his coat and folding his sleeves up to the elbow ready to play...

He looks handsome...Riddhima thought silently as she saw him walk forward with confident strides...

"You will play with us Bhai." Ishani voiced everyone's shock

"Are you hard of hearing?" He asked her sarcastically

"Great so we will have to decide who will play in which team" Sahil announced. Let's toss. Whoever wins will get the chance to choose one player. Vansh frowned, was that even a question he would be in Riddhima's team.

Sahil and Aryan stood opposite each other as Pasha tossed the coin. Sahil won the toss.

He dragged both of them away. They discussed a little and finally, Sahil declared we will have Aangre...

Aangre stiffened. Vansh looked furiously at Riddhima who gave him a huge smile.

"Come Aangre" Nia grabbed his arm and dragged him to their team. On the way, she winked at Ishani. Of course, she knew all about Ishani and Aangre. Riddhima had told her...

"I am going to kill her" Ishani hissed angrily.

"Don't. They are idiots. We have Vansh on our team now. This match will be over before we even know it. See, he already looks angry..." They saw Vansh take the bat from Pasha..."Then you can gloat our win before them"

Yes, Aryan was right...her brother excelled at cricket. He already played at the district and national level in their school days. Their win was confirmed.

The atmosphere in their team was tense. Whereas everyone in Riddhima's team looked relaxed except Aangre.

"Boss plays a damn good cricket. You should have selected him" Aangre advised them "you still have a chance" He knew this was not going to end well for him...

"Nonsense. I am quite sure you will do just well" Nia flirted with him.

"Yes, Aangre. Let siblings play on one team." Riddhima agreed with her

Aangre peeked a glance at the other team and as expected instead of having a huddle Ishani and Vansh were glaring at them...

'God, keep me alive during and after this match' he begged silently "what's the score?"

"Team B has scored 150 runs. Team A has to score 151 runs to win. Team A's current score is 90. To win they will have to score 61 runs in 50 balls" Sia gave a brief summary for everyone's benefit.

The game started. This time it was Aryan and Pasha who came for batting.

Aangre was bowling. 10 minutes into the game. Sahil caught a ball. Aryan was out. They jumped happily hugging each other.
Congratulating each other.

Next came Ishani, who swung the bat solely intending to hurt Nia and Aangre... Vansh kept sitting. He was waiting for Riddhima's turn... The game turned Nasty. It was Nia's turn to bowl and instead of throwing the ball properly she threw it at Ishani's face wanting to take revenge for the hurt she felt when the ball hit her hand

Riddhima could hardly keep a track of the score. At times she just ducked to save herself from a fastball which resulted in the boundary for the opposite team.

If that was not enough Vansh kept taunting her from his seat. "I am not sure, if I am here to play cricket or watch the dance performance, are you sure Aangre your team has players and not dancers. You know Pasha, I have realized, there is always one person in the team who can not bat or bowl but is still in the team because he is best friends with the captain..."

Apparently, tempers were running high... Riddhima was angry at Vansh for his mean behavior. Sahil came bowling next. Luckily Aangre threw the ball at the stumps and Ishani was out. At least that stopped Ishani's laugh at Vansh's comments for a while...

Only two people were enjoying this show to the fullest. Team A needs 48 runs in 35 balls. Sia announced...

Finally, Vansh came to batting. "I think as per our game rules everyone will have to play. You can't keep one person behind like this."

Aangre cursed he knew his boss was waiting for Riddhima but the girl could hardly grab a catch...how will she survive before him...

"Yes, she will play later. At present, it's my turn" Sahil declared
"Of course" Vansh replied his lip curled in distaste

"15 balls 8 runs..." Sia announced the score

Vansh was the best player. Aangre was right. Even after so many efforts Vansh and Pasha were not out.

"Riddhzi, it's your turn now." Sahil handed her the ball

"What no...I can't... didn't you see his batting...what if I get hit?"

"Look, we are going to lose. But at least we will finish the game. Let's not back out now"

"I agree. It's just a matter of two balls at Max" Nia agreed with Sahil. Aangre stood a little away from the group. He could feel Ishani's glare on his back...

"Scared much? Planning to chicken out as always Dr. Shastri?" Vansh smirked at her

'oh this infuriating man'

She threw the ball. "Wide. 14 balls 7 runs." Sia announced
Riddhima once again took her position; she just wanted to finish this game...

Ishani and Aryan clapped as Sia announced "4. Now Team A just needs 2 runs to win"

"Now you are regretting your decision of selecting Aangre right?" He whispered in her ear as she bent down to pick up the ball

"What happened running away?" Vansh called after her as he saw her stomping away...

"I want to wipe that smug look off his face. Even if we don't win, I want to see him get out."

"Isn't it a little late for motivation?" Aangre raised his brows
Riddhima scowled at him but turned to Nia expectantly

"We can't do anything Riddhzi. Just play the last ball. The game should have gotten over by now. I get the feeling that he is dragging it intentionally" Sahil told her sympathetically

"Oh he is doing that on purpose I know that" Riddhima seethed

"Actuallyyyy...we can try something?"


"Give a flying kiss to someone on the ground" Nia looked at her suggestively

"Do you want to see someone die today?" Angre deadpanned

"Yes, Nia. Don't talk nonsense." Sahil agreed

"Then give him a kiss." Nia shrugged

"What no way? I won't do anything like that" Riddhima shook her head

"Fine then go and keep playing till he wants..."

"Are we going to play? I don't have the whole day" they heard his voice

Riddhima gave him a stink eye as once again he hit the ball so slowly...No ball...

'To hell with it' she thought as she threw the next ball. She quickly gave him a flying kiss with a shy smile

Vansh blinked distracted. Once, twice, he felt his hand move but...

It was Sahil's shout "clean bowled" that brought him out of his daze...

Ishani was covering her face in shock. Everyone else look stunned except the trio who were celebrating...

"That was cheating..." He bit out

"Don't be a sore loser Vansh. You lost accept it" Riddhima called out as he stormed away. Followed by others

"Well, I know. I am not supposed to take sides...but I am happy you guys won"

"Congratulations Beta. And thank you because of you for the first time I got to see my family enjoying themselves together. Come inside. I will arrange food for you"

Nia was looking at her curiously. She just shrugged... "You guys go inside. I will just be back." She needs to see if Vansh was okay or not. He looked pretty pissed...


As soon as she opened the door Aangre fell at her feet

"OMG. Aangre you are bleeding" she sat beside him "Vansh what is wrong with you?"

"Don't touch him" Vansh pulled her away


Aangre nodded and left holding a handkerchief to his bloody nose.

"Why did you do that? Just because you lost?"

"Why did you choose Aangre over me?" He held her hand tightly

"You are angry because we didn't choose you for our team? That's silly..." Riddhima smiled

"I don't care about others. Why didn't you choose me?" He demanded

"Well because we thought it would be fun, playing in opposite teams and you got the chance to be on the same team as your siblings..."

He still looked angry

"Vansh...it was just a game...no big deal"

He sat on the sofa and pulled her onto his lap making Riddhima gasp...

"Riddhima... whatever happens, I want you to always choose me. I am going to be your husband. We will always be one team." He demanded, "I don't like it when you ignore me." He kept his head on her chest making her squirm

"Vansh" she tried to get up but his hold was firm around her waist and hips. He kept rocking back slowly on forth with her in his lap and his head on her chest and bosom...his stubble pricked her through the shirt.

"You will always choose me...no one else...never leave me...we are one..." He kept murmuring

For the first time, Riddhima realized where his insecurities steamed from. She didn't know what made her do it but she lightly kept her hand over his head and caressed his hair
"I promise I will not leave you. This was just a game. We played it for fun. Let it be please..."

He nodded

"So can we go down now?" He exhaled and released her

"You go ahead."


As soon as Riddhima entered the dining room, she saw Nia coughing loudly and turning pale rapidly. Sahil held a glass for her. Dadi stood near them holding a box of sugar...

"What happened?" Riddhima cried out

"What else? Ishani added something to Nia's juice. It was spicy..."

"What? Nia is allergic to too much spice. Sahil, did you check her purse for medicine?"

"Yes it's not there" Sahil replied frustrated

After eating a slab of chocolate, sugar and plenty of water Nia came back to somewhat normal.

Riddhima looked at Ishani. Fire blazing in her eyes. Ishani was sniggering at Nia's state...

She picked up the half glass left by Nia and held it to her. "Drink this Ishani" she ordered

"Have you lost your mind?"

"Why did you not find it funny while doing this with Nia right? Drink it"

"Go to hell"

"Either drink it or leave this house" came another strong voice


"Do as she says Ishani" Vansh ordered

Ishani looked at others...As usual, no one came to her rescue...not even Aangre
She took a sip and sputtered looking for a glass of water...

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