"No problem at all."

Jotaro left to take care of everything. After ten minutes, he went back to Kakyoin.

He had his knees to his chest with his head resting on his knees. He was taking deep breaths.

Jotaro asked, "Ready to get out?"

Kakyoin looked up at him and nodded.

Jotaro informed, "I set up everything downstairs on the couch since your bed is still wet." He gave Kakyoin a towel and sat his clothes on the counter for him. "Are you okay with the couch?"

Nodding, Kakyoin answered, "Yeah." He reached his hand out to Jotaro while he kept one wrapped around his torso. It was like the pain couldn't be controlled if he removed his arm.

Jotaro helped him out of the tub and waited outside for him to dress.

After that, the two were downstairs, letting a movie play. Kakyoin laid on the couch drinking the smoothie Jotaro made. A warm blanket was over him. Jotaro was sitting on the floor beside him.

Kakyoin didn't talk much like he normally would. It was understandable why that was. He was less likely to talk when in pain, and his fuse is usually shorter.

Basically, the whole day was laying around, hoping the pain would subside. Jotaro stayed close by to help out, if the need occured.

When the next day came along, Jotaro helped him out just the same. Then the next day came, and the pain subsided enough for Kakyoin.

Kakyoin was up before Jotaro. He was cooking breakfast.

Jotaro came in and slight look of excitement came and went on his face. He was happy that Kakyoin was back on his feet. He exhaled a breath of relief.

Kakyoin saw that his friend walked in, so he greeted, "Good morning, Jojo."

Jotaro nodded, "Morning." He came over to Kakyoin unable to figure out what to do. He didn't want to just hug him after what happened the last two days. He managed to say, "You're up."

"Yeah," he replied. He placed the cooking utensil down and turned off the pan. "I can't thank you enough. Normally, I would've laid in bed until I get enough strength to drag myself out by the middle of the day."

Jotaro nodded. He did that to show he was listening. He wasn't sure what to say. He wasn't sure how to respond. He felt something constrict in his chest and throat preventing him from talking.

"I'm okay," Kakyoin said, responding to Jotaro's disposition.

His bigger friend lifted his arms slightly, but they fell back to his sides.

"It's okay," Kakyoin said. "You can touch me."

Jotaro inhaled with a shaking breath and wrapped his arms around his friend gently. With his exhale, a sob came out. He cried, "Nori." His voice shook along with his body.

Kakyoin whispered, "I know. It's okay." He rubbed his back. He shushed, "I'm alright." His other hand combed through Jotaro's hair where the hat didn't cover.

It was like the fear and worry of the last two days was coming out of Jotaro. His hands balled Kakyoin's shirt in his fists. It was like if he let go, he would lose his closest friend forever.

After about five minutes, Jotaro pulled away from Kakyoin. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. He took a few big breaths to calm himself down.

A couple of hands cupped his face.

Jotaro was forced to look down at Kakyoin.

"It'll be okay," Kakyoin soothed. He tapped his cheek and said, "You should get ready for work. I made extra breakfast for you. Alright?"

Jotaro nodded, "Alright."

Kakyoin kept a steely glare at him. "Don't worry yourself to death."

He nodded.

Kakyoin let go of him.

"C-can I..."

"Hm?" Kakyoin mumbled confused.

Jotaro lifted his arms a bit. "Just one more... Please."


Jotaro wrapped his arms high around his neck. His face dug into his neck. He inhaled, taking him all in.

Suddenly, Jotaro went stiff. He pulled back from the hug and averted eye contact. He took a step back and said, "I'll... be at work."

"Is something wrong?"

Jotaro walked to the kitchen's doorway. Before walking out, he said, "I'm glad that you aren't hurting as much. Please get as much rest as possible."

"Yeah... Okay."

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