Part 8 Actual chapter I swear

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Sadly I was thinking about discontinuing 2 books so that I wouldn't have a hard time making all of them. . I am currently making 4 books, and none of them are close to the end yet (Except for this one since Book 2 needs only 10 chapters and probably the final one will be book 3. So tell me what book I should discontinue first. So that I won't be pressured. Don't worry. If at least two books are already finished, I will continue them. Anyways pick what I should discontinue for a while

~I wonder when will I see you again
~If Touhou characters meet demon slayer characters
~Only you and me. Right? Book 2
~It wasn't meant to be like this I swear!

Yeah pick 2. So that I can continue the others in peace


3rd Person POV:

Zenitsu woke up in the school. The atmosphere was pretty. . . Grey and dark. 

"I'm at. . . School. .? I thought the school would disband for a while. . . But. . Why is it so. . . Isolated and dark. . .?"

Zenitsu entered the building. He saw Himari's corpse that was turned into a corpse

". . W-Wait. . . Himari. . .?!"

He ran to the corpse and carried Himari

"H-Himari. . .? Why are you all into. . . Ashes. . .? Wait. . . Did someone. . . B-BURN YOU?!"

Himari opened her eyes and looked and looked at Zenitsu menancingly


He pushed Himari away. As Himari stood up looking at him evily

". . You. . Why. . .?"

"Why. . Oh why Zenitsu. . . .?"

"H-Himari. . .?"

". . . Why didn't you save me. . .?"

". . . Himari. . . What are you talking about. . .?"

". . You. . You didn't save me when I got burned alive in the incinerator."

". . . . W-What. . .? I-. . I thought everyone said that the death was an accident!"

"You thought so? No wonder why you're a horrible friend. Where were you when I was burned alive? Why can't you hear me scream. . .?"

Zenitsu stood up and ran away.

He suddenly bumped into Yui. She was holding her dismembered legs with her lower half getting shown. She has a bloody appearance. And a dreadful look

"Zenitsu. . . Can you see the dismembered legs I'm holding. . .?"


". . . It's a hint where. .  Where you didn't save me. . . How come you're the only survivor. . .? That's not very fair. . ."

Zenitsu didn't understand. So he ran away from Yui.

As he stood up and tried to run away. Hikari grabbed his shoulder.

". . . Where are you heading to Zenitsu-san. . .?"

Zenitsu looked behind her. Hikari was there. Her appearance was all bloody. Her eyeball was hanging outside her eye, Her upper head was sliced into half. And her stomach opened exposing her organs. Well ofc that's how Tanjiro killed her

". . . Zenitsu. . Why were you just standing there watching me getting brutally murdered. .?  We would've been together as a normal. . Couple. ."

The school was filled of the dead bodies that Tanjiro murdered.

"A murderous love" Book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora