Part 4

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Zenitsu POV:

'Goddamnit. . . My head hurts. Wait. . . Huh. . .? Where am I? What is this place? What are thses on my wrists. . . Are these chains . .?'

Zenitsu couldn't see anything clearly, his vision was so blurry, and the room was pitched-dark.

'Ugh. . My head feels dizzy. . . It's so blurry. . . I can only hear me own breathing. . . What happened. . .? Who trapped me here. .?'

"Wake up Zenny. . .~"

'Wait, was someone whispering in my ear?

' That's so creepy. . . But. . . That voice seems so familiar. . . Wait. . . It can't be. . .'

"I'm surprised you have woken up. I have been waiting for 3 hours already. .~"


"Oh! You finally mentioned my name! How cute."

"Now then, before you say anything, you dont need to ask who trapped you here. I want you to remember my sweet Zenny."

". . . So you trapped me here huh. . .? T-Tanjiro, we're not doing this again please! I thought you changed!"

"I deeply apologize Zenitsu. I couldnt control this kind of emotion to you. Yet, my love is undying for you. Now come on, I know you're scared, but you have to accept it. It's not that hard!"

"Accept you? Accept the fact that you murder people who were with me?! You really are a creep! Can you just let me communicate to other people?!"

Just then, Tanjiro grabbed the chain where my neck was leashed on

He started glaring at me, as if he was a statue. I am so scared right now. I could feel my body shaking. I wanna scream but I don't know if I could do it. . . What if he's gonna torture me?!

"Looks like you need a punishment Zenitsu. You may start acting tough there. But just wanted to reassure you, that I stabbed you before. Were you not frighten of that? But hey, don't worry Zenitsu. We'll have some fun~"

"F-Fun?! W-What do you mean by that?!"

"You know what I meant."

He slowly grabbed a knife behind him. 

"Since you were trying to hurt me, you deserve to get punished. I will cut scars on you from head to toe. But hey, I promise it won't hurt!"

He smiled as if this was an achievement.

"T-Tanjiro please. . . Have mercy on me. . ."

"Mercy? I gave you too much mercy, yet you abused them. Now then. . ."

"𝗟𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻~"

Tanjiro started create scars on my arms first. He sliced it deep as if he was ready to torture someone. H edidnt care when I screamed. He just kept on torturing as if he didnt hear me suffer. (If youre thinking that this is some fruity topic I swear.) 


"Go home? Zenitsu, this is home. How couldnt you think? You're mindless brain couldn't think what's home for you eh? This is your punishment. And punishment is punishment. I will torture you for how long as I like. You can't stop me from it."

"PLEASE! IT HURTS SO MUCH! I DON'T WANNA GET TORTURED!" (Im literally listening to gommene gommene while typing this nah)

"At this circumstance, you still deserve to be tortured. If only if you would have been a good boy, I wouldn't have acted so naughty right now. But now you were ungrateful, you deserve to get punished.~"

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