Part 7

725 7 73

Haha funny. Book 2 has a lot of chapters than book 1 itself. Now I might make book 3 soon

Tanjiro POV:

I left the apartment to kidnap that girl. I was wearing a black jacket so that some of the other people cant recognize that I am a murderer. Poor her she was really that concerned of Zenny huh? Those two may have something in common. But no need to worry about Zenny being with her. I trapped him with a shock collar on his neck in case if he was being naughty. 

I saw her looking for Zenitsu. Worried and confused. The town looks so noisy right now so there's no way of murdering her in public. Not even killing her in the alleyway would do. . . I'll find a way.

"Excuse me. I need to speak to you. . ."

*menacing sting or what your so-called evil grin*

The woman looked at me in confusion

"W-Who are you?"

"I need to speak with you please."

The woman came close to me.

"So. . . What now?"

"I heard you are concerned of a boy named Zenitsu Agatsuma. . Who disappeared without a trace."

"R-Really?! How can you tell?"

"Let's just say. . . That I am a "friend" of his. I am concerned of him too. I'm sure he was never the type of boy to elope."

"Yeah. . . But why do you ask?"

"Let's just say that I want to help you find him. Plus, I know where I have last seen him. I am not lying! I saw it with my own eyes!"

"What? You. . . You mean it. . .? You would help me?"

"Of course! But before I proceed, would you like to have a chat while we walk downtown? I could've sworn that I last seen the blonde boy."

"O-Oh sure."

Heh. Seems like the plan I have devise is getting a little more juicy I'll find an empty space to kidnap her. It's gonna be way sneaky than I thought.

"Who are you anyways?"

"Before asking a person's name." (Literally means the girl must introduce her name first)

"Oh sorry. My name is Majime."

"Majime huh? Unique. I'd rather not introduce mines for privacy purposes."

(I think we all know why)

"Oh. . Oh alright then. But why are you helping me anyways?"

"Well, if anyone has the opportunity to save Zenny, then he is depending on us. We cannot let the boy elope. He needs us as we need him."

". . . Hey thank you. . I was struggling to find him all over town."

"My duty. Now tell me, what do you think about Zenny? I am very curious. Like, do you think of him as a crush or. . ."

Majime started to blush like crazy. I know where is this going.

"W-Well uh. . . I see him as a. . Very kind person, he can be a bit clumsy but. . . Ah. . . Uhm. . ."

She started to go red. I was furious. That's it. I had to trap her in the blink of an eye.

"Oh. . .? Let me guess. Crush?"

She went red


She didnt notice that I led her an empty alleyway since she was in rosey red.

"A murderous love" Book 2Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя