"Ohmygod just tell ussssss!" I yell almost surprising myself.

"Okay okay fine!" He turns his gaze to mine but I think everyone is to out of it to notice. "So at the start of summer there was this person and..." he stops looking at me. "WegotsuperhammeredandIwokeupwithitsoIthinkwegottattootogether." He's lying, oh my god, why can't he tell the truth one time?

I decide not to push on it cause everyone else looks satisfied with the answer. If it was true I would be laughing with them but I just can't, I want to know, I need to know.

Next its Nathan's turn because conveniently he's sitting right next to me.

I could totally reach over and touch him he's so close.

WHAT IN THE I swear I need to see a therapist, what if someone can read my thoughts? God I can't think this stuff i'll go to hell or something cause of it.

I don't even believe in god, bro what. What in the world. World Trade Center. Spider-Man Spider-Man does whatever a spider-

I freeze. His hand is on my thigh rubbing small circles with his thumb.

"Never have I ever gone scuba diving."

I take a drink.

Did he do that to get my attention? He's still doing it. I'm not complaining, it feels good.

"Yes you have! Liar!" Sam screams.

"When? I don't remember." Nathan says.

His hand now instead of rubbing circles is lightly clenching my thigh, probably out of anger.

"Like 4 years ago," Sam yells back "you me and Scott all went scuba diving in Florida!"

"Oh. Well whatever it's Sandy's turn now." Great observation Nathan.

Now his hand is rubbing up and down my thigh and Im almost going feral. I quickly move my hand down and over his. His hand stops moving.

I'm so stupid I shouldn't have done that ohmygod ohmyg-

He moves his hand upside down so now we're palm to palm. Slowly I start to intertwine our fingers and he does the same.

My heart is beating so fast. I never thought something so small would mean so much.

"Never have I ever... had a secret affair with someone."

So you know when you're completely thinking about something else and so a monkey is taking the place of the outside you or when you're just on auto pilot? And you know how the whole point of this game is to throw back a drink when someone says something you've done? What do you get when you mix those two together?

You get me taking a sip of vodka after Sandy's question without realizing it. And then you get me realizing it. You also get the shocked faces of only three people because your "secret affair" doesn't have good acting skills.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck ffffffffffuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkk fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck

Nathan squeeze's my hand and it calms me only the smallest bit. Everyone is staring at me with wide eyes and mouths agape.

"WHO?!?!?!" Sandy screams. "WHEN?!?!?!" "WHERE?!?!?!" "WHAT?!?!?!" "WHY?!?!?!" "HOW?!?!?!"

I'm feeling overwhelmed with all of the questions "I uhh I didn't-I didn't mean to uhh Ididn'tmeantodothat!"

"WHEN WHEN WHEN PLEASE TELL!!!" Why does she want to know so bad?

"Fine" I say in a whisper. "At the beginning of summer...and the end."

Her eyes get wide and so do Sam's but before Sam can ask me something Sandy blurts out "OMG IS IT NATHAN? HE SAID HE MET SOMEONE IN THE BEGINNING OF SUMMER TOO! DID YOU GET TATTOOS TOGETHER?!?"

Ihm gonna pass out. Or throw up. Both

Nathan's eyes get wide and Sam's get even wider.

Does-ohmygod does he know something?
Play it cool play it cool

"Sandy? How much have you had to drink?" Yeah yeah I got this.

"Seriously. How much? Are you crazy?"

"Jeez ok I guess that's a no?" Yes! It is a no! Even if it's a lie.

"Yes it's a no Sandy."

Nathan is still squeezing my hand after all of that.

Ooooh dramaaaaa

Based on true events I tattooed a dick on my foot but it's gone now 🥰

I also decided to add like idk what u call it but sometimes Scott goes into his own little world and that's like what was happening to his thoughts, like when u think about let's say pie charts and end up thinking about 9/11 or bat man all while people are calling your name, ykwim? Pls say yes

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