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Once Severus, Mattheo, and Abraxus arrived and Chrys and Harry recovered, Elias led the group out of the floo hall and to one of the many elevators. After making sure they were the only ones present, Elias spoke up.

"Heiress Potter, you will have to testify." he warned, "The Prosecutor will ask you questions that may upset you and it's possible that you'll have to provide memory evidence."

Chrys nodded in determination, "Anything to clear Padfoots name."

Elias smiled, "Then you'll do just fine. Just remember, if it gets to be too much, we can always call for recess for you to recompose yourself. Alright?"

"Got it," she affirmed.

The elevator jerked to a stop, causing the occupants to stumble slightly as the doors slid open. Chrys, holding both Remus and Harry's hands, followed the solicitor out of the elevator and down a long, high-ceilinged hallway. At the end of it was a woman sitting at a desk in front of a large set of mahogany double doors.

Elias led them towards the woman. She was looking through papers, a bored expression on her face. She didn't bother looking up as she spoke, "Please state your name and business."

"Elias Lavigne, Defense Solicitor." the French-English wizard spoke cooly.

She nodded and waved him towards the doors. Elias shared an unimpressed look with his cousin before moving off to the side.

Chrys felt a soft nudge and looked up, Remus smiled back at her and nodded in the lady's direction. A bit anxious, Chrys nodded and stepped up, "Hello... I'm Heiress Chrysanthemum Potter. I'm here with my brother, Hadrian Potter to attend our Godfather's trial."

The woman snapped her head up, her brown eyes going wide upon seeing the 'Boy-Who-Lived' and his 'Protector'. Instantly her gaze flickered to their scars before she nodded, "Go ahead."

They could feel the woman's gaze linger on them as the others checked in. Once they had, Elias guided them through the doors, being mindful to shield the young Potters from the woman's view. Chrys had hoped that once the doors closed they could relax, unfortunately, that wasn't the case as, upon their entry, multiple eyes focused on them.

Tensely, Chrys let herself and Harry be guided by Remus to their family's Wizengamot seats. Since she was too young to claim her ladyship titles, she appointed Remus as her Proxy, only the Potter seats was officially claimed so far. They decided to wait until she was older and better equipped to defend herself before claiming the rest of her titles.

The Malfoys went to their designated seats while Mattheo and Severus went to the Slytherin ones. While they got settled, they watched more and more people trickle into the room. All of them looked disgruntled as their chatter mixed incoherently in the air.

After a few more minutes, the sharp rapping of a gavel rang throughout the room. "Order!" a voice Chrys recognized rang just as sharply, "Today's Wizengamot meeting is now in session!"

Curiously, she leaned forwards to see Amelia Bones dressed in Maroon robes and sitting at the very front and centre of the audience seats. At Amelia's left was the Minister of Magic and at her right was the court's Scribe.

Once it was silent, Amelia continued, "Today we are here to correct a gross negligence and witness the long overdue trial of Sirius Orion Black III."

Her words stirred the audience into an uproar. Various voices yelling their protests, including the Minister of Magic. Amelia, annoyed by the discord, slammed her gavel until the voices died off. "Order!" she snapped, brown eyes narrowed fiercely, "I will remind everyone just this once that everyone in our community is entitled to a trial. Aurors! Bring in the accused!"

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