How not to make friends

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   To my surprise she shows no fear, as she holds eye contact with me. "Stay still, she's not in her right mind." I hear my daughters voice speak over my growls.
   Daenerys gives the smallest nod ever showing she heard. But the movement enough for me to move my nuzzle closer with a snap. If it wasn't for her existence, I would be back in Westeros able to do something about the fact that my father is dead and my wife being married to someone else while carrying our unborn child. To say I'm pissed is a huge understatement, I know the rational side of my brain is screaming that it's not her fault however it's my emotional side that ruling my wolf at the moment.
  My growls grow louder and my lips pull back showing my teeth inching closer to her face. I feel a warm hand running through the furs on my chest, I know it belongs to her. I can hear my daughter crying and Viseyna's whine, but I can't pull my focus away from the woman lying beneath me. Her hand travels up in down my chest moving in time with my growls. She lifts her other hand and gently brings it to then side of my head, "Aōha tala jorrāelagon ao, māzigon arlī naejot nyke." She whispers, the hand on my chest turns into a fist and she tugs my fur.
   "Gīda aōha prūmia, derēbagon aōla.  Māzigon arlī syt zirȳla." She continues as she pull me closer. "Daorys kesīr kessa maghagon ao ōdrikagon.  Kesan iōragon ondoso ao Lord Stark. Help me reclaim my families throne and together we will make them bleed."
   The fierceness she holds in her eyes pulls me closer. My growls turn to a low rumble when I smell her scent, involuntarily my muzzle goes to the crook of her neck where the scent is strongest. She smells of home, winter winds and fresh snow mixed in with the pines from the Godswood. I continue to nuzzle and inhaling the scents radiating from her, she lets out a soft giggle only I can hear and that's when I realize how long I've been on top of her.
  I lift my head looking her in the eyes, and let out a huff and move off of her. I walk over to my daughter, her tearstained cheeks shatter my heart. In a fluid motion I shift back and pull her into my arms. Her tiny body shakes with silent sobs, "I'm here my princess, let it out."
  "T-t-they're go-ne." She stutters out.
  "I know princess." I whisper I pick her up and walk her back over to the bed, sitting her on the edge I kneel in front of her while pulling a fur blanket over my shoulders to cover myself. "Your grandfather loved you so much, and if he could see the young lady you're becoming he would be so proud. And we don't know what happened with your mother. We just have to remember her promise she made us. Cause I know without a doubt her love for you will never fade, and she will fight all of the seven hells to get back to you." I tell her calmly.
  "You r-really believe s-s-she w-wil come back?"
  "I swear it, she will return to you." I say giving her a gentle smile. She nods her head then leans back into my chest hiding her face back into my neck.
  I feel a small hand on my shoulder and her scent invades my senses once more. "My condolences for your loss Lord Stark." She whispered. "Take all the time you need, I will have someone bring in an outfit for you to change into."

Harper and I stayed cuddled together for about an hour and a half, during that time a young woman came in an dropped off an outfit of tan leather pants, a plain cotton shirt and light leather boots to which I changed into. For some reason this leather feels different, it's lighter and allows for more air to flow through it. Maybe these are the secret for beating the heat.
   Harper cried her eyes out for so hard and for so long I'm starting to believe that she has no more liquids in her small body. Right now she is curled up into a little ball tucked into my chest snoring the rest of the day away, she had asked so many questions about death and if the rest of our family is safe. It was a hard conversation, hopefully she understands it a bit better.
   The problem now is I have nothing to distract me, my rages keeps returning. I want to slay that fucking blonde bastard so fucking bad. Thoughts of me changing plans and sailing straight into Blackwater Bay and going for the Boy King myself keep running through my mind. It's what Daenerys whispered to me that keeps me from actually going through with my plan. And she's right Harper needs me, and soon I will have to tell Rickon. That's if word hasn't reached him by now, no telling if word has reached Condon and Talbert yet.
   Maybe we should go along with her, I do not know one person who did not flinch or scream when they've witnessed me shifting. Let alone stand their ground and calm me down, I don't know what it is about her my emotional side wants me to trust her yet my brain wants to leave her here and never look back. Either way before we leave I need to write to Robb, to let him know we made it safe and to let him know that we will be sticking with the Targaryen for now.
   The side door slams open making me sit up with a jolt. "Where are they?" A strong cold voice asks.
    I looks around and see the demon herself glaring violet flames at me. "Umm what?" I ask back genuinely confused.
   She walks to the bed and grabs ahold of the front of my shirt. "I said where are they?" She asks once more in a deadly growl.
   I look down at her hand, then back into her eyes and I decide then to match my crazy with hers. "What are they?" I growl back.
   "My dragons, they're missing now I'll ask once more where are they." She lowers her voice when she notices Harper stirring at the noise.
   "One, I thought you were lying about your dragons. And two." I grab her wrist and pull her hand away from me. "I've been in here with my daughter since you left us." My voice lowering into a whisper too, so I'm not the reason she wakes up.
   "Why would I lie about having dragons? I am the Mother of Dragons after all." She yells is a whisper voice.
    "Who the fuck names someone Mother of Dragons?" I ask getting distracted while still whispering.
    "My Khalasar named me. After they saw me step out of a burnt Prye unscathed"
    "Well that's a stu-wait what did you just say?"
    "What did I say about what?"
    "You said that you stepped out of a burnt Pyre unscathed."
    ".....Wouldn't anyone be able to step out of one with no problem? I mean it's only dangerous when it is aflame so that really wouldn't make you special."
    "I walked in it when was aflame and walked out when it was turned to ashes hence my name."
   "You just said your name is Mother of Dra-"
   "Father she means the Unburnt title of her name." Harpers crackly voice speaks up at her normal tone, making me involuntary let out a screech while jumping to my feet.
   The room was quiet for about thirty seconds before both my daughter and the demon burst into laughter. I roll my eyes at them and move to get ready to leave. I put on both my sheaths then pick up Harpers boots and toss them on the bed next to Viseynas head.
  "Are you going somewhere?" Daenerys asks.
  "Were you not the one that said your dragons were missing?" I ask her sassily. "I figured that you would want to go look for them, we however are needed elsewhere."
   She clears her throat, and rises to her feet. "Yes th-"
  "You really do have dragons?!" Harper yells while jumping to her feet. "Can I see them? I'll be really nice I promise. I'll let you see Viseyna if you let me see your dragons."
  I absolutely love when Harper actually shows her age, it's a very rare sight to see. Usually when she lets go it's when she's scared and needs comforting but when I see her face lit up in excitement it makes me feel like I'm actually doing something right in this world. "Princess, she's already seen Viseyna and as a bonus of seeing her she has almost gotten eaten by her." I tell her. "Also it seems that she has misplaced he-"
  "Someone took them, so don't you dare assume otherwise." The demon speaks while shooting me a deadly glare. "And I'm still not convinced that you were not involved with those disappearance."
   "Father wouldn't take them." Harper defends me. I shoot mother of lost dragons a smirk while I tie up my daughters boots. "She doesn't like scaly things. She thinks they are gross, she thinks the same things about bugs, spiders, snakes and the Kracken." My smirk drops and reappears on the demons face as she shoots it back at me.
  "Traitor." I mumble as I get to my feet. "Do you want to wear your sheath or do you want me to carry it?"
  The smile that was on Harpers face is wiped clean off in an instant. "Loras gave me that sword, he said it was his families sword. If she is no longer your wife doesn't that mean we are no longer family?"
  I drop to me knees in an instant so I can be eye level with her. "She would never think of you as anything less than her daughter, that goes for your Uncle Loras. We don't know what really happened over there and we might never know." I let out a sigh and cup my hand on her cheek. "Loras gave you this sword, and it is yours because you are his family. He would never abandon his love or promises to you willingly. Never doubt that my princess."
  "Okay." She mumbles out quietly holding back tears.
   "So I'll ask you once again your majesty, would you like to wear your sword or would you like me to carry it for you?" I say giving her a smile.
   She takes a moment looking over the hilt that's sticking out of the sheath. "I want to wear it. With a smile I had it over and help her out it on.
   We both look up at the knock on the door, Daenerys looks to me and I give her a half shrug. "Enter." She says in a cold tone.
   I roll my eyes when Mormont enters the room. "Xaro has gathered The Thirteen Kahaleesi."
   "Thank you Mormont, Lord Stark and her daughter will be accompanying us." He nods his head then walks back out of the room.
   My head snap to her. "Have I said anything that makes you think that is going to happen?"
   "No, however if you want to fulfill your brothers orders then you will." She replies back.
    "He didn't order me to do anything." I say with growl.
    "And yet you are here gracing me with your presence and not back in Westeros."
    "Look you lit-"
    "Father." Harper says with impatience. "Friends remember."
     I hold her stare for a good minute hoping my daughter will relent, when she doesn't I let out a long and overdramatic groan. "Fine. But we are leaving the moment we are done. I need to check in on Rickon and the ship."
  The dragon demon rises to her feet once more and smooths out her dress in a clear gloating manner. "That sounds like a wonderful plan Lord Stark, I look forward to seeing your ship." She says with a grin as she passes us leaving the room.

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