When a wolfs heart breaks

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   Mormont doesn't move instead he takes a moment to look at my daughters wolf wearily. "You better start moving Mormont, or I will return to my ship." I tell him getting impatient at his hesitance.
   He clears his throat. "Right." He then turns on his heel and walks up a set of stairs leading into the palace. Letting out a sigh I force my feet to follow him.
   "So what are we going to do after meeting with her?" Harper asks me.
   "I do not know. I was told her husband held a Khalasar bigger than anyone alive has ever seen." I look down meeting her eyes. "Yet she has barely five and ten men. Now she has been boasting about having dragons yet refuses to show them off."
   "So she's either a liar or she just has really bad luck." She says.
   "You know Harper, you are one truly amazing person. You make it really easy to be your father." I say giving her a smile then I lean down and give her a kiss on her forehead.
   She scrunches her nose and wipes the kiss off. "You can be embarrassing you know that?" She say with a roll of her eyes.
   I let out a bark of laughter. "Oh my young daughter if I could, I would embarrass you until the end of time. That way you will never be able to marry and leave me." I say still laughing lightly.
    "I don't ever wish to marry, boys are gross. You know when we were back in Winterfell Rickon ate bugs from under a fallen tree in the Godswood? We had bet on who would do each others chores. Uncle Robb had told me that he used that bet on Bran once before." She said with a disgusted face.
   "That's good to know, it warms my heart to know you will forever be at my side." I shoot her a wink. We continue down the hallway until Mormont stops at a wooden door. I wait for him to enter only to be displeased when he gives the door a slight knock. I give him a smirk. "It's nice to know you seem to remember some of the manners your old house taught you." I say glancing down to his well beaten chest plate. I know I'm not being fair to him, yet I do it as an outlet to shake my nervousness of meeting the women whose violet eyes held me frozen in place earlier today.
   "Father." Harper growls out a warning as a soft voice calls out giving us permission to enter from the other side of the door.
   My hands start to shake as Mormont opens the door, I clench my fists and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I feel Harpers small hand grabbing mine, I look down and into her eyes. "Remember all we have to do is make friends with her." She reminds me.
   I give her a tight smile. "You make it sound so easy."
   "Well for me it is." It's the way she smiles back at me that makes me laugh.
   When I calm down I lean down and give her a kiss to the top of her head. "Thank you princess, I really needed that."
  "You're welcome, now put in your game face and let's go make friends." She instructed.
  With a mock bow I reach my hand out gesturing for her to enter first. "After you, your Majesty."
   She lets out a giggle while she passes me Viseyna following her. I give Mormont a wink before walking one the room. As soon a step through the door I am assaulted with a flowery scent that makes my head ache, why must everything smell so strongly here. I look around to see one wall full of windows with wooden shutters and a bench running along the wall. I turn my head to see a stained glass and wooden circular table with four chairs, one of which my daughter occupies while eating grapes that were left out for whatever reason. I give her a questioning look, she gives me smile and a shrug. I hear rustling off to the side and turn once more to see Viseyna on the bed tossing the furs so she can make a nest for herself. "Can't you be normal for once?" I ask the wolf, who only lets out a huff in reply then plops down closing her eyes as if to say she wants to be left alone. I bring my hand up and pinch the bridge of my nose attempting to stop the headache that is growing worse. When that doesn't work I let out a frustrated sigh and join Harper at the table. "Can I have some of those?" I ask her as I lean back in my chair.
  She passes me a small bundle and we eat our grapes in peace. "What do we do if she's as mean as you said her father was?"
   "If that's the case then we will leave for Westeros at once." I tell her.
  "You don't think she will burn us like her father did Grandfather Rickard?" She asks voicing her worries.
   "She would actually have the dragons she boasts about to be able to burn us. And even if she did which I doubt she does, I would slay them before one could breathe a breath of fire at you." I reassure her. She nods her head and stuffs more grapes into her mouth satisfied with my answer.
   "You would really slay baby dragons?" I hear a soft firm voice speak from behind us.
    Viseyna and I jump in fright while Harper bursts out into laughter at us. I rise to my feet and turn on my heel when Viseyna lets out a loud snarl followed by deep reverberating growls. I see Mormont with his sword drawn and a small man with a curved blade standing in front of a woman with white hair. I notice that they are also standing in between us and Viseyna so I understand why she's acting the way she is. "If you want to keep your life I would lower your weapons and back away slowly." I order loudly for them to hear over Viseyna.
   Mormont follows my orders the small man looks back at me and starts yelling in a different language, I don't understand what he's saying but him yelling is making the situation worse for everyone here. So I do the only sensible thing I know to do before he gets either his head or arm ripped off.
   I quickly step forward slap the weapon out of his hand and punch his throat hard effectively shutting him up. He stumbles back clawing onto said throat while trying to catch his breath, ignoring him and the woman I sidestep them to get in front so I can calm Viseyna down.
  As soon as I'm in front I push the woman back so I'm the only one in her eyesight, I feel a hand grasp at the back of my leather shirt. I see her lips continue to curl up and she snaps her teeth seven hells I really hope I don't have to shift to get her back in control. "Lykiri riñītsos" I order in a firm voice she lowers her ears and stops her snarling her growling still concerns me. "Slȳz daorys kesīr iksis jāre naejot ōdrikagon zirȳla". I continue to reason with her. "Harper come here." I say hoping that if she sees her person, that will be what finally calms her. Harper listens and stands next to me "Move forward slowly and tell her everything is okay, help her calm herself down."
    "Iksan sȳrī, gīda ilagon ñuha riña." Harper whispers out while inching forward, Viseyna's eyes snap from me onto Harper I can see the wolfs eyes checking my daughter over trying to see if she's hurt anywhere. "Sȳz ñuha riña iksan kesīr mirre iksis sȳrī." The growls get lower the closer Harper gets, and finally come to an end when my daughters hand makes contact with her muzzle. Viseyna the sniffs Harper all over making her giggle, after checking Harper over one last time Viseyna tugs on Harpers leather shirt and pulls her into the furs so she won't be able to move.
   I walk over to the bed and pat the wolfs back watching as Viseyna continues to tuck Harper into the nest of furs she made earlier. "All better now?" I ask her. She moves her head so she can look me in the eyes. "You know I'm here to protect her too, you don't have to be so dramatic." I tease her while running my fingers through her silver fur. She lets out a huff and lowers her head into the furs leaving her ears sticking out, I look to Harpers eyes. "You good?" I ask.
   "Yes father, just warm." I hear her muffled reply.
    "Just stay in there until she's fully calm." I tell her then turn around to face the people who caused this. My eyes meet Mormonts making my anger for him return. "Why in the seven hells did you draw your steel?"
   He lets out a snort. "What was I supposed to do? Let that thing kill my Khaleesi?"
   My feet move forward and my fists clench. "You were standing in between us and her, you out of all people should know the lengths her kind will go through to make sure the ones they love are kept from harm." I spit back still advancing on him. "Give me one more reason why I shouldn't take your head here and now Mormont."
   "She won't allow it." He says through a clenched jaw.
   A dark laugh escapes me. "If you think that your precious Khaleesi will protect you from me then you are madder than her father ever was." I say and grasp the hilt of my small sword. "So I will give you one more chance Mormont." I draw my steel and kick the sword he dropped on the floor earlier to the side farther away from him.
   Panic streaks across his face. "I have news of your family." He rushes out.
   His words freeze me, we have not gotten word from or about my family. "And how am I to trust a word that comes from your mouth."
   "I swear it on the old gods and new that my word come from whispers of Kings Landing itself."
  "You will stake your head on mere whispers?"
   "Yes, also from an old friend from Oldtown." He whispers fear still evident in his voice. "Just please put your sword away so we can sit down and talk." He pleads.
   "I would rather stand with steel in hand." I respond narrowing my eyes not trusting anyone over the age that's in this room.
    A soft sigh to my right makes me turn my head, my eye's unfortunately meet the same violet eyes that stunned me earlier today. "Just sit down Lord Stark, you've already disarmed and scared the man. What more can he really do?" She asks with an expressionless face.
    "Father just give them a chance." I hear Harpers muffled voice calling out from behind me.
    I glance behind me to the enormous mound of fur on the bed. I shake my head of its remaining anger, let out a deep breath and sit myself firmly back in the chair I had once abandoned. Instead of returning my sword to it sheath I lay it on my lap. I lift my eyes back to meet his. "This is your only chance to talk of your whispers." Then I move my eyes to meet hers. "It is also your only chance to convince me why my house should align itself with you and your cause."
   They look to each other having a silent conversation, when ends with Mormont nodding his head then lowering it a little with a defeated look. "You say I have to convince you." She states with a firm tone raising a single eyebrow. "Yet you have given me no reason to trust you or your house, Nor do I see a need to align myself with you. All I want to know is why you came east looking for me."
  I lean back in my chair and place my feet on top of the table while plastering a smile on my face and hold up a hand. "From what the Thirteen tell me you have no army, you have no allegiance to any other house, you hold no land or title in Westeros and you have no ships to carry you to the land you don't have in Westeros." I raise a finger for every point I speak of. "That's four reasons just off the top of my head, imagine how many more reasons I can come up with if you were to give me the time to think it over more carefully." I finish holding my grin.
   I watch as her mouth opens and closes words trying to escape, before finally shutting with her lips settling into a thin line. She gives Mormont a look, to which he lets out a sigh. "Lord Stark, we had plans for all of that. It was your arrival that upset those plans, however if you are to continue with us you need to know of the news about your family."
   "Aaaaaaaand we're back to this." I say chuckling. "Look I am never going to trust a single word that leaves your mouth Mormont. You wear your house sigil proudly on your chest yet you were the one to betray its honor the first moment you took lordship. Then when my father called for you to give answers for your alleged crimes you ran away like the rightful cunt you are. And you." I slam my hand down on the table and shoot a glare in her direction. "I was sent here to find you and your brother by both my wife's grandmother and my brother, to meet you and your brother to which I've yet to have the displeasure of meeting. And if you were to convince me that one of you are the right kind of crazy, we would back you well enough to put one of your dragon demon arses on the fucking Iron Throne." I finish my rant, taking a deep breath to try and calm myself once more.
   Mormont goes to a satchel that's hanging on the wall by a door I didn't notice when I first walked in. He then promptly returns with a small number of parchments with the wax seal of Lord Hightowers sigil broken due to being opened. "If you don't want to listen to me then read those." He says firmly throwing them down on the table in front of me, I give him a look as if to tell him to go on, my head hurts as is it don't need it to hurt more by reading, the sigil is proof enough for me. "After Joffrey was crowned he took your father as prisoner for treason."
   "Yes I know this, it's one of the reasons why I'm here." I tell him with an eye roll.
   He nods his head. "Word was that your sister  Sansa went to court to plead with Joffrey to let your father take the black. He agreed in front of all the Highborn, then two days later held a public trial on the steps of the Sept, he named your father traitor of The Throne and instead of letting him take The Black as promised he beheaded him."
    I feel the color drain from my face and my stomach starts to clench. My legs drop from the table with my sword clattering to the floor and the world starts to spin. I hear a low whine and muffled sniffling behind me, it's enough to make me stand my feet and walk to the bed. Viseyna has moved her head letting Harper come into view, she has tears streaming down her face with her fists clenched trying to stay silent. I don't hesitate and pick her up into my arms holding her tight. She stuffs her head into my neck to hide from the others as I start to rub soothing circles on her back while whispering soft words to help her control the sobs that roll through her tiny body.
   After a long moment of me pacing while trying to console my daughter Mormont clears his throat and I shoot him a deadly glare. "There's more when you are ready." I wave a hand gesturing for him to go on. He picks up a different parchment I didn't see before, I stand frozen in shock at the rose sigil formed in the gold melted wax. "The lower Lords of Highgarden convinced Mace Tyrell to take his seat as Lord seriously the moment Stannis Baratheon declared war on The Throne." He takes a pause unsure if he should go on. I make another gesture for him to continue. "When he was approached with backing Renly Baratheons claim for the throne he agreed as long as Renly wed Margaery. Once Renly agreed, Mace contacted the High Septon and requested your marriage to Lady Margaery annulled under the grounds that as her father he did not agree to the marriage. That it was Lady Olenna who held no Lordly powers arranged and agreed the marriage. The High Septon granted his request, and Lord Renly and Lady Margaery were wed to each other last week. Lastly once your child is born they will be held as Lord Mace's ward unless Renly claims the child as his own." He finishes looking down any previous hatred absent on his face.
   Harper lets out a wail and her sobs come out harder than before. I tighten my grip on her and sit on the edge of the bed, I'm completely numb. I don't know where to start, first my father now Margaery and our child. I know I told her to do whatever she can do to survive but even this is too much and as far as I know it wasn't her choice.
   My rage starts to grow while my body starts shaking uncontrollably I feel it coming and I know I won't be able to control it. I feel Harper lift her head then jump down off my lap as soon as her feet hit the floor Viseyna stands next to her looking at me holding a low growl. Harper tries getting my attention but my head is to far gone, so she settles for unlatching trying the sheath around my waist then moving to do the same with the one attached to my back. "Hold on for just one more minute father please let me get this off of you first." She says through her tears. I feel her struggling and her frustration growing. "Help me with this please, if she shreds this she will be so upset with herself." She calls out to the two other people in the room, I smell a flowery scent and then in a swift movement the sword on my back is pulled away. "No don't touch her just back away." I hear my daughter yells as my leather starts to tear.
   The next thing I know I'm standing on all fours growling loudly into the face of Daenerys Targaryen as she lies beneath me.

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